import URL_PREFIX from "router/url_prefix"; import { OsqueryPlatform } from "interfaces/platform"; import paths from "router/paths"; import { ISchedulableQuery } from "interfaces/schedulable_query"; import React from "react"; const { origin } = global.window.location; export const BASE_URL = `${origin}${URL_PREFIX}/api`; export enum PolicyResponse { PASSING = "passing", FAILING = "failing", } export const DEFAULT_GRAVATAR_LINK = ""; export const DEFAULT_GRAVATAR_LINK_DARK = ""; export const DEFAULT_GRAVATAR_LINK_FALLBACK = "/assets/images/icon-avatar-default-transparent-64x64%402x.png"; export const DEFAULT_GRAVATAR_LINK_DARK_FALLBACK = "/assets/images/icon-avatar-default-dark-24x24%402x.png"; export const FREQUENCY_DROPDOWN_OPTIONS = [ { value: 0, label: "Never" }, { value: 300, label: "Every 5 minutes" }, { value: 600, label: "Every 10 minutes" }, { value: 900, label: "Every 15 minutes" }, { value: 1800, label: "Every 30 minutes" }, { value: 3600, label: "Every hour" }, { value: 21600, label: "Every 6 hours" }, { value: 43200, label: "Every 12 hours" }, { value: 86400, label: "Every day" }, { value: 604800, label: "Every week" }, ]; export const GITHUB_NEW_ISSUE_LINK = ""; /** July 28, 2016 is the date of the initial commit to fleet/fleet. */ export const INITIAL_FLEET_DATE = "2016-07-28T00:00:00Z"; export const LOGGING_TYPE_OPTIONS = [ { label: "Snapshot", value: "snapshot" }, { label: "Differential", value: "differential" }, { label: "Differential (ignore removals)", value: "differential_ignore_removals", }, ]; export const MAX_OSQUERY_SCHEDULED_QUERY_INTERVAL = 604800; export const MIN_OSQUERY_VERSION_OPTIONS = [ { label: "All", value: "" }, { label: "5.10.2 +", value: "5.10.2" }, { label: "5.9.1 +", value: "5.9.1" }, { label: "5.8.2 +", value: "5.8.2" }, { label: "5.8.1 +", value: "5.8.1" }, { label: "5.7.0 +", value: "5.7.0" }, { label: "5.6.0 +", value: "5.6.0" }, { label: "5.4.0 +", value: "5.4.0" }, { label: "5.3.0 +", value: "5.3.0" }, { label: "5.2.3 +", value: "5.2.4" }, { label: "5.2.2 +", value: "5.2.2" }, { label: "5.2.1 +", value: "5.2.1" }, { label: "5.2.0 +", value: "5.2.0" }, { label: "5.1.0 +", value: "5.1.0" }, { label: "5.0.1 +", value: "5.0.1" }, { label: "5.0.0 +", value: "5.0.0" }, { label: "4.9.0 +", value: "4.9.0" }, { label: "4.8.0 +", value: "4.8.0" }, { label: "4.7.0 +", value: "4.7.0" }, { label: "4.6.0 +", value: "4.6.0" }, { label: "4.5.1 +", value: "4.5.1" }, { label: "4.5.0 +", value: "4.5.0" }, { label: "4.4.0 +", value: "4.4.0" }, { label: "4.3.0 +", value: "4.3.0" }, { label: "4.2.0 +", value: "4.2.0" }, { label: "4.1.2 +", value: "4.1.2" }, { label: "4.1.1 +", value: "4.1.1" }, { label: "4.1.0 +", value: "4.1.0" }, { label: "4.0.2 +", value: "4.0.2" }, { label: "4.0.1 +", value: "4.0.1" }, { label: "4.0.0 +", value: "4.0.0" }, { label: "3.4.0 +", value: "3.4.0" }, { label: "3.3.2 +", value: "3.3.2" }, { label: "3.3.1 +", value: "3.3.1" }, { label: "3.2.6 +", value: "3.2.6" }, { label: "2.2.1 +", value: "2.2.1" }, { label: "2.2.0 +", value: "2.2.0" }, { label: "2.1.2 +", value: "2.1.2" }, { label: "2.1.1 +", value: "2.1.1" }, { label: "2.0.0 +", value: "2.0.0" }, { label: "1.8.2 +", value: "1.8.2" }, { label: "1.8.1 +", value: "1.8.1" }, ]; export const LIVE_POLICY_STEPS = { 1: "EDITOR", 2: "TARGETS", 3: "RUN", }; export const LIVE_QUERY_STEPS = { 1: "TARGETS", 2: "RUN", }; export const DEFAULT_QUERY: ISchedulableQuery = { description: "", name: "", query: "SELECT * FROM osquery_info;", id: 0, interval: 0, observer_can_run: false, discard_data: false, platform: "", min_osquery_version: "", automations_enabled: false, logging: "snapshot", author_name: "", updated_at: "", created_at: "", saved: false, author_id: 0, packs: [], team_id: 0, author_email: "", stats: {}, }; export const DEFAULT_CAMPAIGN = { created_at: "", errors: [], hosts: [], hosts_count: { total: 0, successful: 0, failed: 0, }, id: 0, query_id: 0, query_results: [], status: "", totals: { count: 0, missing_in_action: 0, offline: 0, online: 0, }, updated_at: "", user_id: 0, }; export const DEFAULT_CAMPAIGN_STATE = { observerShowSql: false, queryIsRunning: false, queryPosition: {}, queryResultsToggle: null, runQueryMilliseconds: 0, selectRelatedHostTarget: false, targetsCount: 0, targetsError: null, campaign: { ...DEFAULT_CAMPAIGN }, }; export const PLATFORM_DISPLAY_NAMES: Record = { darwin: "macOS", macOS: "macOS", windows: "Windows", Windows: "Windows", linux: "Linux", Linux: "Linux", chrome: "ChromeOS", ChromeOS: "ChromeOS", }; // as returned by the TARGETS API; based on display_text export const PLATFORM_LABEL_DISPLAY_NAMES: Record = { "All Hosts": "All hosts", "All Linux": "Linux", "CentOS Linux": "CentOS Linux", macOS: "macOS", "MS Windows": "Windows", "Red Hat Linux": "Red Hat Linux", "Ubuntu Linux": "Ubuntu Linux", chrome: "ChromeOS", }; export const PLATFORM_LABEL_DISPLAY_ORDER = [ "macOS", "All Linux", "CentOS Linux", "Red Hat Linux", "Ubuntu Linux", "MS Windows", ]; export const PLATFORM_LABEL_DISPLAY_TYPES: Record = { "All Hosts": "all", "All Linux": "platform", "CentOS Linux": "platform", macOS: "platform", "MS Windows": "platform", "Red Hat Linux": "platform", "Ubuntu Linux": "platform", chrome: "platform", }; interface IPlatformDropdownOptions { label: "All" | "Windows" | "Linux" | "macOS" | "ChromeOS"; value: "all" | "windows" | "linux" | "darwin" | "chrome" | ""; path?: string; } export const PLATFORM_DROPDOWN_OPTIONS: IPlatformDropdownOptions[] = [ { label: "All", value: "all", path: paths.DASHBOARD }, { label: "macOS", value: "darwin", path: paths.DASHBOARD_MAC }, { label: "Windows", value: "windows", path: paths.DASHBOARD_WINDOWS }, { label: "Linux", value: "linux", path: paths.DASHBOARD_LINUX }, { label: "ChromeOS", value: "chrome", path: paths.DASHBOARD_CHROME }, ]; // Schedules does not support ChromeOS export const SCHEDULE_PLATFORM_DROPDOWN_OPTIONS: IPlatformDropdownOptions[] = [ { label: "All", value: "" }, // API empty string runs on all platforms { label: "macOS", value: "darwin" }, { label: "Windows", value: "windows" }, { label: "Linux", value: "linux" }, ]; export const PLATFORM_NAME_TO_LABEL_NAME = { all: "", darwin: "macOS", windows: "MS Windows", linux: "All Linux", chrome: "ChromeOS", }; export const HOSTS_SEARCH_BOX_PLACEHOLDER = "Search name, hostname, UUID, serial number, or private IP address"; export const HOSTS_SEARCH_BOX_TOOLTIP = "Search hosts by name, hostname, UUID, serial number, or private IP address"; export const VULNERABLE_DROPDOWN_OPTIONS = [ { disabled: false, label: "All software", value: false, helpText: "All software installed on your hosts.", }, { disabled: false, label: "Vulnerable software", value: true, helpText: "All software installed on your hosts with detected vulnerabilities.", }, ]; // Keys from API export const MDM_STATUS_TOOLTIP: Record = { "On (automatic)": ( MDM was turned on automatically using Apple Automated Device Enrollment (DEP), Windows Autopilot, or Windows Azure AD Join. Administrators can block end users from turning MDM off. ), "On (manual)": ( MDM was turned on manually. End users can turn MDM off. ), Off: ( Hosts with MDM off don't receive macOS
settings and macOS update encouragement.
), Pending: ( Hosts ordered via Apple Business Manager
(ABM). These will automatically enroll to Fleet
and turn on MDM when they're unboxed.
), }; export const DEFAULT_CREATE_USER_ERRORS = { email: "", name: "", password: "", sso_enabled: null, }; /** Must pass agent options config as empty object */ export const EMPTY_AGENT_OPTIONS = { config: {}, }; export const DEFAULT_EMPTY_CELL_VALUE = "---"; export const DOCUMENT_TITLE_SUFFIX = "Fleet for osquery";