import React from "react"; import { mount } from "enzyme"; import { noop } from "lodash"; import ConnectedPage, { UserSettingsPage, } from "pages/UserSettingsPage/UserSettingsPage"; import testHelpers from "test/helpers"; import { userStub, configStub, adminUserStub } from "test/stubs"; import * as authActions from "redux/nodes/auth/actions"; const { connectedComponent, fillInFormInput, reduxMockStore } = testHelpers; jest.mock("date-fns"); describe("UserSettingsPage - component", () => { const store = { auth: { user: userStub }, app: { config: configStub }, entities: { users: {} }, version: { data: {} }, }; const mockStore = reduxMockStore(store); it("renders a UserSettingsForm component", () => { const Page = mount(connectedComponent(ConnectedPage, { mockStore })); expect(Page.find("UserSettingsForm").length).toEqual(1); }); it("contains expected text", () => { const pageWithUser = mount( ); const pageWithAdmin = mount( ); expect(pageWithUser.find(".user-settings__role").text()).toContain( "Observer" ); expect(pageWithAdmin.find(".user-settings__role").text()).toContain( "Admin" ); }); it("updates a user with only the updated attributes", () => { jest.spyOn(authActions, "updateUser"); const dispatch = () => Promise.resolve(); const props = { dispatch, user: userStub, config: configStub }; const pageNode = mount().instance(); const updatedAttrs = { name: "Updated Name" }; const updatedUser = { ...userStub, ...updatedAttrs }; pageNode.handleSubmit(updatedUser); expect(authActions.updateUser).toHaveBeenCalledWith(userStub, updatedAttrs); }); describe("changing email address", () => { it("renders the ChangeEmailForm when the user changes their email", () => { const Page = mount(connectedComponent(ConnectedPage, { mockStore })); const UserSettingsForm = Page.find("UserSettingsForm"); const emailInput = UserSettingsForm.find({ name: "email" }); expect(Page.find("ChangeEmailForm").length).toEqual( 0, "Expected the ChangeEmailForm to not render" ); fillInFormInput(emailInput, ""); UserSettingsForm.simulate("submit"); expect(Page.find("ChangeEmailForm").length).toEqual( 1, "Expected the ChangeEmailForm to render" ); }); it("does not render the ChangeEmailForm when the user does not change their email", () => { const Page = mount(connectedComponent(ConnectedPage, { mockStore })); const UserSettingsForm = Page.find("UserSettingsForm"); const emailInput = UserSettingsForm.find({ name: "email" }); expect(Page.find("ChangeEmailForm").length).toEqual( 0, "Expected the ChangeEmailForm to not render" ); fillInFormInput(emailInput,; UserSettingsForm.simulate("submit"); expect(Page.find("ChangeEmailForm").length).toEqual( 0, "Expected the ChangeEmailForm to not render" ); }); it("displays pending email text when the user is pending an email change", () => { const props = { dispatch: noop, user: userStub, config: configStub }; const Page = mount(); const UserSettingsForm = () => Page.find("UserSettingsForm"); const emailHint = () => UserSettingsForm().find(".manage-user__email-hint"); expect(emailHint().length).toEqual( 0, "Expected the form to not render an email hint" ); Page.setState({ pendingEmail: "" }); expect(emailHint().length).toEqual( 1, "Expected the form to render an email hint" ); }); }); });