# @eashaw/sails-generate-landing-page A `landing-page` generator for use with the Sails command-line interface. ## Usage ```bash $ sails generate landing-page ``` ## Need help? See [Extending Sails > Generators > Custom Generators](https://sailsjs.com/docs/concepts/extending-sails/generators/custom-generators) in the [Sails documentation](https://sailsjs.com/documentation), or check out [recommended support options](https://sailsjs.com/support). Sails.js logo (small) ## Bugs To report a bug, [click here](https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/new). ## Contributing Anyone can contribute. ## License This landing-page generator is available under the **MIT license**. The [Sails framework](https://sailsjs.com) is free and open-source under the [MIT License](https://sailsjs.com/license). ![image_squidhome@2x.png](http://i.imgur.com/RIvu9.png)