# Configuration for contributors
- [Integrations](#integrations)
- [SMTP-settings](#smtp-settings)
This document includes configuration files and settings that are helpful when developing or contributing to Fleet.
Unlike the [configuration files documentation](https://fleetdm.com/docs/using-fleet/configuration-files), the files and settings in this document are not recommended for production use. Each setting includes the best practice for being successful in production.
## Integrations
Integration settings in Fleet can be configured using the `integrations` section of the `config` YAML file. To see all settings in this file, check out the [configuration files documentation](https://fleetdm.com/docs/using-fleet/configuration-files#organization-settings).
> **Warning:** Be careful not to store your integration credentials in source control. The best practice is to configure integrations [via the Fleet UI](https://fleetdm.com/docs/using-fleet/automations).
### Jira
Jira integrations are configured under the `integrations.jira` field, which is an array of dictionaries.
#### integrations.jira[].url
This is the URL of the Jira server to use, including the scheme (e.g. "https://").
- Required setting (string)
- Default value: none
- Config file format:
- url: "https://example.atlassian.net"
username: "user1"
api_token: "secret"
project_key: "PJ1"
#### integrations.jira[].username
Use this username to authenticate API requests with the Jira server.
- Required setting (string)
- Default value: none
- Config file format:
- url: "https://example.atlassian.net"
username: "user1"
api_token: "secret"
project_key: "PJ1"
#### integrations.jira[].api_token
Use this API token to authenticate API requests with the Jira server.
- Required setting (string)
- Default value: none
- Config file format:
- url: "https://example.atlassian.net"
username: "user1"
api_token: "secret"
project_key: "PJ1"
#### integrations.jira[].project_key
Use this Jira project key to create tickets.
- Required setting (string)
- Default value: none
- Config file format:
- url: "https://example.atlassian.net"
username: "user1"
api_token: "secret"
project_key: "PJ1"
#### integrations.jira[].enable_failing_policies
Whether the integration is configured to create Jira tickets for failing policies.
- Optional setting (boolean)
- Default value: `false`
- Config file format:
- url: "https://example.atlassian.net"
username: "user1"
api_token: "secret"
project_key: "PJ1"
enable_failing_policies: true
#### integrations.jira[].enable_software_vulnerabilities
Whether the integration is configured to create Jira tickets for recent software vulnerabilities.
- Optional setting (boolean)
- Default value: `false`
- Config file format:
- url: "https://example.atlassian.net"
username: "user1"
api_token: "secret"
project_key: "PJ1"
enable_software_vulnerabilities: true
### Zendesk
Zendesk integrations are configured under the `integrations.zendesk` field, which is an array of dictionaries.
#### integrations.zendesk[].url
This is the URL of the Zendesk server to use, including the scheme (e.g. "https://").
- Required setting (string)
- Default value: none
- Config file format:
- url: "https://example.zendesk.com"
email: "user1@example.com"
api_token: "secret"
group_id: 1234
#### integrations.zendesk[].email
Use this email address to authenticate API requests with the Zendesk server.
- Required setting (string)
- Default value: none
- Config file format:
- url: "https://example.zendesk.com"
email: "user1@example.com"
api_token: "secret"
group_id: 1234
#### integrations.zendesk[].api_token
Use this API token to authenticate API requests with the Zendesk server.
- Required setting (string)
- Default value: none
- Config file format:
- url: "https://example.zendesk.com"
email: "user1@example.com"
api_token: "secret"
group_id: 1234
#### integrations.zendesk[].group_id
Use this group ID to create tickets.
- Required setting (integer)
- Default value: none
- Config file format:
- url: "https://example.zendesk.com"
email: "user1@example.com"
api_token: "secret"
group_id: 1234
#### integrations.zendesk[].enable_failing_policies
Whether the integration is configured to create Zendesk tickets for failing policies.
- Optional setting (boolean)
- Default value: `false`
- Config file format:
- url: "https://example.zendesk.com"
email: "user1@example.com"
api_token: "secret"
group_id: 1234
enable_failing_policies: true
#### integrations.zendesk[].enable_software_vulnerabilities
Whether the integration is configured to create Zendesk tickets for recent software vulnerabilities.
- Optional setting (boolean)
- Default value: `false`
- Config file format:
- url: "https://example.zendesk.com"
email: "user1@example.com"
api_token: "secret"
group_id: 1234
enable_software_vulnerabilities: true
## SMTP settings
SMTP settings in Fleet can be configured using the `smtp_settings` section of the `config` YAML file. To see all settings in this file, check out the [configuration files documentation](https://fleetdm.com/docs/using-fleet/configuration-files#organization-settings).
> **Warning:** Be careful not to store your SMTP credentials in source control. The best practice is to configure SMTP [via the Fleet UI](https://fleetdm.com/docs/deploying/configuration#configuring-single-sign-on-sso).
### smtp_settings.authentication_method
Use this authentication method when the authentication type is `authtype_username_password`.
- Optional setting (string)
- Default value: `authmethod_plain`
- Possible values:
- `authmethod_cram_md5`
- `authmethod_login`
- `authmethod_plain`
- Config file format:
authentication_method: authmethod_cram_md5
### smtp_settings.authentication_type
This is the type of authentication for the configured SMTP server.
- Optional setting (string)
- Default value: `authtype_username_password`
- Possible values:
- `authtype_none` - use this if your SMTP server is open
- `authtype_username_password` - use this if your SMTP server requires authentication with a username and password
- Config file format:
authentication_type: authtype_none
### smtp_settings.enable_smtp
Whether SMTP support is enabled or not to send emails from Fleet.
- Optional setting (boolean)
- Default value: `false`
- Config file format:
enable_smtp: true
### smtp_settings.enable_ssl_tls
Whether to enable SSL/TLS for the SMTP connection.
- Optional setting (boolean)
- Default value: `true`
- Config file format:
enable_ssl_tls: false
### smtp_settings.enable_start_tls
Whether to detect if TLS is used by the SMTP server and start using it if so.
- Optional setting (boolean)
- Default value: `true`
- Config file format:
enable_start_tls: false
### smtp_settings.password
Use this password for SMTP authentication when the `authentication_type` is set to `authtype_username_password`.
- Optional setting (string)
- Default value: ""
- Config file format:
password: supersekretsmtppass
### smtp_settings.port
Use this port to connect to the SMTP server.
- Optional setting (integer)
- Default value: `587` (the standard SMTP port)
- Config file format:
port: 5870
### smtp_settings.sender_address
Use this email address as the sender for emails sent by Fleet.
- Optional setting (string)
- Default value: ""
- Config file format:
sender_address: fleet@example.org
### smtp_settings.server
This is the server hostname for SMTP.
- Optional setting, required to properly configue SMTP (string)
- Default value: ""
- Config file format:
server: mail.example.org
### smtp_settings.user_name
Use this username for SMTP authentication when the `authentication_type` is set to `authtype_username_password`.
- Optional setting (string)
- Default value: ""
- Config file format:
user_name: test_user
### smtp_settings.verify_ssl_certs
Whether the SMTP server's SSL certificates should be verified. This can be turned off if self-signed certificates are used by the SMTP server.
- Optional setting (boolean)
- Default value: `true`
- Config file format:
verify_ssl_certs: false