import sortUtils from "utilities/sort"; import { isString, isPlainObject, isEmpty, reduce, trim, union, memoize, } from "lodash"; import { ITeam } from "interfaces/team"; import { IUser } from "interfaces/user"; interface ILocationParams { pathPrefix?: string; routeTemplate?: string; routeParams?: { [key: string]: any }; queryParams?: { [key: string]: any }; } export const NEW_LABEL_HASH = "#new_label"; export const EDIT_LABEL_HASH = "#edit_label"; export const ALL_HOSTS_LABEL = "all-hosts"; export const LABEL_SLUG_PREFIX = "labels/"; export const DEFAULT_SORT_HEADER = "hostname"; export const DEFAULT_SORT_DIRECTION = "asc"; export const HOST_SELECT_STATUSES = [ { disabled: false, label: "All hosts", value: ALL_HOSTS_LABEL, helpText: "All hosts which have enrolled to Fleet.", }, { disabled: false, label: "Online hosts", value: "online", helpText: "Hosts that have recently checked-in to Fleet.", }, { disabled: false, label: "Offline hosts", value: "offline", helpText: "Hosts that have not checked-in to Fleet recently.", }, { disabled: false, label: "New hosts", value: "new", helpText: "Hosts that have been enrolled to Fleet in the last 24 hours.", }, { disabled: false, label: "MIA hosts", value: "mia", helpText: "Hosts that have not been seen by Fleet in more than 30 days.", }, ]; export const isAcceptableStatus = (filter: string) => { return ( filter === "new" || filter === "online" || filter === "offline" || filter === "mia" ); }; export const isValidPolicyResponse = (filter: string) => { return filter === "pass" || filter === "fail"; }; export const getNextLocationPath = ({ pathPrefix = "", routeTemplate = "", routeParams = {}, queryParams = {}, }: ILocationParams): string => { const pathPrefixFinal = isString(pathPrefix) ? pathPrefix : ""; const routeTemplateFinal = (isString(routeTemplate) && routeTemplate) || ""; const routeParamsFinal = isPlainObject(routeParams) ? routeParams : {}; const queryParamsFinal = isPlainObject(queryParams) ? queryParams : {}; let routeString = ""; if (!isEmpty(routeParamsFinal)) { routeString = reduce( routeParamsFinal, (string, value, key) => { return string.replace(`:${key}`, encodeURIComponent(value)); }, routeTemplateFinal ); } let queryString = ""; if (!isEmpty(queryParamsFinal)) { queryString = reduce( queryParamsFinal, (arr: string[], value, key) => { key && arr.push(`${key}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`); return arr; }, [] ).join("&"); } const nextLocation = union( trim(pathPrefixFinal, "/").split("/"), routeString.split("/") ).join("/"); return queryString ? `/${nextLocation}?${queryString}` : `/${nextLocation}`; }; const getSortedTeamOptions = memoize((teams: ITeam[]) => teams .map((team) => { return { disabled: false, label:, value:, }; }) .sort((a, b) => sortUtils.caseInsensitiveAsc(a.label, b.label)) ); export const generateTeamFilterDropdownOptions = ( teams: ITeam[], currentUser: IUser | null, isOnGlobalTeam: boolean ) => { let currentUserTeams: ITeam[] = []; if (isOnGlobalTeam) { currentUserTeams = teams; } else if (currentUser && currentUser.teams) { currentUserTeams = currentUser.teams; } const allTeamsOption = [ { disabled: false, label: "All teams", value: 0, }, ]; const sortedCurrentUserTeamOptions = getSortedTeamOptions(currentUserTeams); return allTeamsOption.concat(sortedCurrentUserTeamOptions); }; export const getValidatedTeamId = ( teams: ITeam[], teamId: number, currentUser: IUser | null, isOnGlobalTeam: boolean ): number => { let currentUserTeams: ITeam[] = []; if (isOnGlobalTeam) { currentUserTeams = teams; } else if (currentUser && currentUser.teams) { currentUserTeams = currentUser.teams; } const currentUserTeamIds = =>; const validatedTeamId = !isNaN(teamId) && teamId > 0 && currentUserTeamIds.includes(teamId) ? teamId : 0; return validatedTeamId; }; export default { getNextLocationPath };