This module provides a basic Fleet setup. This assumes that you bring nothing to the installation. If you want to bring your own VPC/database/cache nodes/ECS cluster, then use one of the submodules provided. To quickly list all available module versions you can run: ```shell git tag |grep '^tf' ``` The following is the module layout, so you can navigate to the module that you want: * Root module (use this to get a Fleet instance ASAP with minimal setup) * BYO-VPC (use this if you want to install Fleet inside an existing VPC) * BYO-database (use this if you want to use an existing database and cache node) * BYO-ECS (use this if you want to bring your own everything but Fleet ECS services) # Migrating from existing Dogfood code The below code describes how to migrate from existing Dogfood code ```hcl moved { from = module.vpc to = module.main.module.vpc } moved { from = module.aurora_mysql to = module.main.module.byo-vpc.module.rds } moved { from = aws_elasticache_replication_group.default to = module.main.module.byo-vpc.module.redis.aws_elasticache_replication_group.default } ``` This focuses on the resources that are "heavy" or store data. Note that the ALB cannot be moved like this because Dogfood uses the `aws_alb` resource and the module uses the `aws_lb` resource. The resources are aliases of eachother, but Terraform can't recognize that. # How to improve this module If this module somehow doesn't fit your needs, feel free to contact us by opening a ticket, or contacting your contact at Fleet. Our goal is to make this module fit all needs within AWS, so we will try to find a solution so that this module fits your needs. If you want to make the changes yourself, simply make a PR into main with your additions. We would ask that you make sure that variables are defined as null if there is no default that makes sense and that variable changes are reflected all the way up the stack. # How to update this readme Edit and run `terraform-docs markdown . >` ## Requirements | Name | Version | |------|---------| | [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | >= 1.3.8 | ## Providers No providers. ## Modules | Name | Source | Version | |------|--------|---------| | [byo-vpc](#module\_byo-vpc) | ./byo-vpc | n/a | | [vpc](#module\_vpc) | terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws | 5.1.2 | ## Resources No resources. ## Inputs | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required | |------|-------------|------|---------|:--------:| | [alb\_config](#input\_alb\_config) | n/a |
name = optional(string, "fleet")
security_groups = optional(list(string), [])
access_logs = optional(map(string), {})
allowed_cidrs = optional(list(string), [""])
allowed_ipv6_cidrs = optional(list(string), ["::/0"])
egress_cidrs = optional(list(string), [""])
egress_ipv6_cidrs = optional(list(string), ["::/0"])
extra_target_groups = optional(any, [])
https_listener_rules = optional(any, [])
tls_policy = optional(string, "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01")
| `{}` | no | | [certificate\_arn](#input\_certificate\_arn) | n/a | `string` | n/a | yes | | [ecs\_cluster](#input\_ecs\_cluster) | The config for the terraform-aws-modules/ecs/aws module |
autoscaling_capacity_providers = optional(any, {})
cluster_configuration = optional(any, {
execute_command_configuration = {
logging = "OVERRIDE"
log_configuration = {
cloud_watch_log_group_name = "/aws/ecs/aws-ec2"
cluster_name = optional(string, "fleet")
cluster_settings = optional(map(string), {
"name" : "containerInsights",
"value" : "enabled",
create = optional(bool, true)
default_capacity_provider_use_fargate = optional(bool, true)
fargate_capacity_providers = optional(any, {
default_capacity_provider_strategy = {
weight = 100
default_capacity_provider_strategy = {
weight = 0
tags = optional(map(string))
"autoscaling_capacity_providers": {},
"cluster_configuration": {
"execute_command_configuration": {
"log_configuration": {
"cloud_watch_log_group_name": "/aws/ecs/aws-ec2"
"logging": "OVERRIDE"
"cluster_name": "fleet",
"cluster_settings": {
"name": "containerInsights",
"value": "enabled"
"create": true,
"default_capacity_provider_use_fargate": true,
"fargate_capacity_providers": {
"default_capacity_provider_strategy": {
"weight": 100
"default_capacity_provider_strategy": {
"weight": 0
"tags": {}
| no | | [fleet\_config](#input\_fleet\_config) | The configuration object for Fleet itself. Fields that default to null will have their respective resources created if not specified. |
mem = optional(number, 4096)
cpu = optional(number, 512)
image = optional(string, "fleetdm/fleet:v4.40.0")
family = optional(string, "fleet")
sidecars = optional(list(any), [])
depends_on = optional(list(any), [])
mount_points = optional(list(any), [])
volumes = optional(list(any), [])
extra_environment_variables = optional(map(string), {})
extra_iam_policies = optional(list(string), [])
extra_execution_iam_policies = optional(list(string), [])
extra_secrets = optional(map(string), {})
security_groups = optional(list(string), null)
security_group_name = optional(string, "fleet")
iam_role_arn = optional(string, null)
service = optional(object({
name = optional(string, "fleet")
}), {
name = "fleet"
database = optional(object({
password_secret_arn = string
user = string
database = string
address = string
rr_address = optional(string, null)
}), {
password_secret_arn = null
user = null
database = null
address = null
rr_address = null
redis = optional(object({
address = string
use_tls = optional(bool, true)
}), {
address = null
use_tls = true
awslogs = optional(object({
name = optional(string, null)
region = optional(string, null)
create = optional(bool, true)
prefix = optional(string, "fleet")
retention = optional(number, 5)
}), {
name = null
region = null
prefix = "fleet"
retention = 5
loadbalancer = optional(object({
arn = string
}), {
arn = null
extra_load_balancers = optional(list(any), [])
networking = optional(object({
subnets = list(string)
security_groups = optional(list(string), null)
}), {
subnets = null
security_groups = null
autoscaling = optional(object({
max_capacity = optional(number, 5)
min_capacity = optional(number, 1)
memory_tracking_target_value = optional(number, 80)
cpu_tracking_target_value = optional(number, 80)
}), {
max_capacity = 5
min_capacity = 1
memory_tracking_target_value = 80
cpu_tracking_target_value = 80
iam = optional(object({
role = optional(object({
name = optional(string, "fleet-role")
policy_name = optional(string, "fleet-iam-policy")
}), {
name = "fleet-role"
policy_name = "fleet-iam-policy"
execution = optional(object({
name = optional(string, "fleet-execution-role")
policy_name = optional(string, "fleet-execution-role")
}), {
name = "fleet-execution-role"
policy_name = "fleet-iam-policy-execution"
}), {
name = "fleetdm-execution-role"
"autoscaling": {
"cpu_tracking_target_value": 80,
"max_capacity": 5,
"memory_tracking_target_value": 80,
"min_capacity": 1
"awslogs": {
"create": true,
"name": null,
"prefix": "fleet",
"region": null,
"retention": 5
"cpu": 256,
"database": {
"address": null,
"database": null,
"password_secret_arn": null,
"rr_address": null,
"user": null
"depends_on": [],
"extra_environment_variables": {},
"extra_execution_iam_policies": [],
"extra_iam_policies": [],
"extra_load_balancers": [],
"extra_secrets": {},
"family": "fleet",
"iam": {
"execution": {
"name": "fleet-execution-role",
"policy_name": "fleet-iam-policy-execution"
"role": {
"name": "fleet-role",
"policy_name": "fleet-iam-policy"
"iam_role_arn": null,
"image": "fleetdm/fleet:v4.31.1",
"loadbalancer": {
"arn": null
"mem": 512,
"mount_points": [],
"networking": {
"security_groups": null,
"subnets": null
"redis": {
"address": null,
"use_tls": true
"security_group_name": "fleet",
"security_groups": null,
"service": {
"name": "fleet"
"sidecars": [],
"volumes": []
| no | | [migration\_config](#input\_migration\_config) | The configuration object for Fleet's migration task. |
mem = number
cpu = number
"cpu": 1024,
"mem": 2048
| no | | [rds\_config](#input\_rds\_config) | The config for the terraform-aws-modules/rds-aurora/aws module |
name = optional(string, "fleet")
engine_version = optional(string, "8.0.mysql_aurora.3.02.2")
instance_class = optional(string, "db.t4g.large")
subnets = optional(list(string), [])
allowed_security_groups = optional(list(string), [])
allowed_cidr_blocks = optional(list(string), [])
apply_immediately = optional(bool, true)
monitoring_interval = optional(number, 10)
db_parameter_group_name = optional(string)
db_parameters = optional(map(string), {})
db_cluster_parameter_group_name = optional(string)
db_cluster_parameters = optional(map(string), {})
enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports = optional(list(string), [])
master_username = optional(string, "fleet")
snapshot_identifier = optional(string)
cluster_tags = optional(map(string), {})
"allowed_cidr_blocks": [],
"allowed_security_groups": [],
"apply_immediately": true,
"cluster_tags": {},
"db_cluster_parameter_group_name": null,
"db_cluster_parameters": {},
"db_parameter_group_name": null,
"db_parameters": {},
"enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports": [],
"engine_version": "8.0.mysql_aurora.3.02.2",
"instance_class": "db.t4g.large",
"master_username": "fleet",
"monitoring_interval": 10,
"name": "fleet",
"snapshot_identifier": null,
"subnets": []
| no | | [redis\_config](#input\_redis\_config) | n/a |
name = optional(string, "fleet")
replication_group_id = optional(string)
elasticache_subnet_group_name = optional(string)
allowed_security_group_ids = optional(list(string), [])
subnets = optional(list(string))
availability_zones = optional(list(string))
cluster_size = optional(number, 3)
instance_type = optional(string, "cache.m5.large")
apply_immediately = optional(bool, true)
automatic_failover_enabled = optional(bool, false)
engine_version = optional(string, "6.x")
family = optional(string, "redis6.x")
at_rest_encryption_enabled = optional(bool, true)
transit_encryption_enabled = optional(bool, true)
parameter = optional(list(object({
name = string
value = string
})), [])
log_delivery_configuration = optional(list(map(any)), [])
tags = optional(map(string), {})
"allowed_security_group_ids": [],
"apply_immediately": true,
"at_rest_encryption_enabled": true,
"automatic_failover_enabled": false,
"availability_zones": null,
"cluster_size": 3,
"elasticache_subnet_group_name": null,
"engine_version": "6.x",
"family": "redis6.x",
"instance_type": "cache.m5.large",
"log_delivery_configuration": [],
"name": "fleet",
"parameter": [],
"replication_group_id": null,
"subnets": null,
"tags": {},
"transit_encryption_enabled": true
| no | | [vpc](#input\_vpc) | n/a |
name = optional(string, "fleet")
cidr = optional(string, "")
azs = optional(list(string), ["us-east-2a", "us-east-2b", "us-east-2c"])
private_subnets = optional(list(string), ["", "", ""])
public_subnets = optional(list(string), ["", "", ""])
database_subnets = optional(list(string), ["", "", ""])
elasticache_subnets = optional(list(string), ["", "", ""])

create_database_subnet_group = optional(bool, false)
create_database_subnet_route_table = optional(bool, true)
create_elasticache_subnet_group = optional(bool, true)
create_elasticache_subnet_route_table = optional(bool, true)
enable_vpn_gateway = optional(bool, false)
one_nat_gateway_per_az = optional(bool, false)
single_nat_gateway = optional(bool, true)
enable_nat_gateway = optional(bool, true)
enable_dns_hostnames = optional(bool, false)
enable_dns_support = optional(bool, true)
enable_flow_log = optional(bool, false)
create_flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group = optional(bool, false)
create_flow_log_cloudwatch_iam_role = optional(bool, false)
flow_log_max_aggregation_interval = optional(number, 600)
flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group_name_prefix = optional(string, "/aws/vpc-flow-log/")
flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group_name_suffix = optional(string, "")
vpc_flow_log_tags = optional(map(string), {})
"azs": [
"cidr": "",
"create_database_subnet_group": false,
"create_database_subnet_route_table": true,
"create_elasticache_subnet_group": true,
"create_elasticache_subnet_route_table": true,
"create_flow_log_cloudwatch_iam_role": false,
"create_flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group": false,
"database_subnets": [
"elasticache_subnets": [
"enable_dns_hostnames": false,
"enable_dns_support": true,
"enable_flow_log": false,
"enable_nat_gateway": true,
"enable_vpn_gateway": false,
"flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group_name_prefix": "/aws/vpc-flow-log/",
"flow_log_cloudwatch_log_group_name_suffix": "",
"flow_log_max_aggregation_interval": 600,
"name": "fleet",
"one_nat_gateway_per_az": false,
"private_subnets": [
"public_subnets": [
"single_nat_gateway": true,
"vpc_flow_log_tags": {}
| no | ## Outputs | Name | Description | |------|-------------| | [byo-vpc](#output\_byo-vpc) | n/a | | [vpc](#output\_vpc) | n/a |