import React, { useCallback, useContext, useEffect } from "react"; import { useQuery } from "react-query"; import { InjectedRouter } from "react-router/lib/Router"; import { AppContext, IAppContext } from "context/app"; import usersAPI, { IGetMeResponse } from "services/entities/users"; import TeamsDropdown from "../TeamsDropdown/TeamsDropdown"; export interface ITeamsDropdownState extends Partial { teamId?: number; } interface ITeamsDropdownHeaderProps { router: InjectedRouter; location: { pathname: string; query: { team_id?: string; vulnerable?: boolean }; search: string; }; baseClass: string; defaultTitle: string; buttons?: (ctx: ITeamsDropdownState) => JSX.Element | null; onChange: (ctx: ITeamsDropdownState) => void; description: (ctx: ITeamsDropdownState) => JSX.Element | string | null; } const TeamsDropdownHeader = ({ router, location, baseClass, defaultTitle, buttons, description, onChange, }: ITeamsDropdownHeaderProps): JSX.Element | null => { const teamId = parseInt(location?.query?.team_id || "", 10) || 0; const { availableTeams, config, currentUser, currentTeam, enrollSecret, isPreviewMode, isFreeTier, isPremiumTier, isGlobalAdmin, isGlobalMaintainer, isGlobalObserver, isOnGlobalTeam, isAnyTeamMaintainer, isAnyTeamMaintainerOrTeamAdmin, isTeamObserver, isTeamMaintainer, isTeamMaintainerOrTeamAdmin, isAnyTeamAdmin, isTeamAdmin, isOnlyObserver, setAvailableTeams, setCurrentTeam, setCurrentUser, } = useContext(AppContext); // The dropdownState is the context and local state made available to callback functions. // Additional state/context can be made available here if needed for new uses cases. const dropdownState = { // NOTE: teamId is the value independently determined by this component // and may briefly be a step ahead of the AppContext for currentTeam // depending on the cycle of state updating and rendering teamId, availableTeams, currentUser, isPreviewMode, isFreeTier, isPremiumTier, isGlobalAdmin, isGlobalMaintainer, isGlobalObserver, isOnGlobalTeam, isAnyTeamMaintainer, isAnyTeamMaintainerOrTeamAdmin, isAnyTeamAdmin, isTeamAdmin, isOnlyObserver, }; useQuery(["me"], () =>, { onSuccess: ({ user, available_teams }: IGetMeResponse) => { setCurrentUser(user); setAvailableTeams(available_teams); }, }); const findAvailableTeam = (id: number) => { return availableTeams?.find((t) => === id); }; const buildQueryString = (queryString: string, newTeamId: number) => { queryString = queryString.startsWith("?") ? queryString.slice(1) : queryString; const queryParams = queryString.split("&").filter((el) => el.includes("=")); const teamIndex = queryParams.findIndex((el) => el.includes("team_id")); if (newTeamId) { const teamParam = `team_id=${newTeamId}`; if (teamIndex >= 0) { // replace old team param queryParams.splice(teamIndex, 1, teamParam); } else { // add new team param queryParams.push(teamParam); } } else { // remove old team param teamIndex >= 0 && queryParams.splice(teamIndex, 1); } queryString = queryParams.length ? "?".concat(queryParams.join("&")) : ""; return queryString; }; // TODO: Add support for pages that use teamId in route params as alternative to query string const handleTeamSelect = useCallback( (id: number) => { const availableTeam = findAvailableTeam(id); setCurrentTeam(availableTeam); const queryString = buildQueryString(location?.search, id); if (location?.search !== queryString) { const path = location?.pathname?.concat(queryString) || ""; !!path && router.replace(path); } if (onChange) { onChange({ ...dropdownState, teamId: availableTeam?.id }); } }, [location, router] ); // If team_id from URL query params is not valid, we instead use a default team // either the current team (if any) or all teams (for global users) or // the first available team (for non-global users) const getValidatedTeamId = () => { if (findAvailableTeam(teamId)) { return teamId; } if (!teamId && currentTeam) { return; } if (!teamId && !currentTeam && !isOnGlobalTeam && availableTeams) { return availableTeams[0]?.id; } return 0; }; // If team_id or currentTeam doesn't match validated id, switch to validated id useEffect(() => { if (availableTeams) { const validatedId = getValidatedTeamId(); if (validatedId !== currentTeam?.id || validatedId !== teamId) { handleTeamSelect(validatedId); } } }, [availableTeams]); const renderButtons = () => { return buttons ? (
) : null; }; const renderDescription = () => { const contents = typeof description === "function" ? description(dropdownState) : description; return contents ? (
) : null; }; const renderTeamsDropdown = () => { if (!availableTeams) { return null; } return ( <>
{isFreeTier &&


} {isPremiumTier && (availableTeams.length > 1 || isOnGlobalTeam) && ( handleTeamSelect(newSelectedValue) } /> )} {isPremiumTier && !isOnGlobalTeam && availableTeams.length === 1 && (


{renderDescription()} ); }; return renderTeamsDropdown(); }; export default TeamsDropdownHeader;