# How to uninstall osquery This article walks you through the steps to remove osquery from your device. Remember that if you enrolled this device in a Fleet instance, it would display as an offline host in the Fleet UI until you manually remove it. ## On macOS: Open up your terminal and paste the following commands; note that `sudo` is required, and you’ll need administrator privileges to complete this process. ``` sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/io.osquery.agent.plist sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/io.osquery.agent.plist sudo rm -rf /private/var/log/osquery /private/var/osquery sudo rm /usr/local/bin/osquery* sudo pkgutil --forget io.osquery.agent ``` These commands stop the running osquery daemon, remove it from your device, and delete the files created by osquery. And that’s it; you have now removed osquery from your macOS device. --- ## On Windows: Removing osquery on Windows 10 is a simple process. To get started, open Windows settings and go to Apps. Then find “osquery” and click Uninstall. ![Uninstall osquery](../website/assets/images/articles/how-to-uninstall-osquery-1-607x188@2x.png) Click Uninstall again to confirm, and osquery will be removed from your Windows device. You might need to restart your computer to complete the uninstall process fully. --- ## On Linux: 1. Open your terminal and paste the following commands to stop the running osquery service, uninstall osquery, and clean up files created by osquery. 2. Note that `sudo` is required, and you’ll need administrative privileges to complete this process. 3. Using Debian package manager (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.) : ``` sudo systemctl stop osqueryd.service sudo apt remove osquery rm -rf /var/osquery /var/log/osquery /etc/osquery ``` Using yum Package Manager (RHEL, CentOS, etc.) : ``` sudo systemctl stop osqueryd.service sudo yum remove osquery rm -rf /var/osquery /var/log/osquery /etc/osquery ``` Are you running into trouble uninstalling osquery on macOS, Windows, or Linux? Get help on Slack in the [#fleet channel](https://osquery.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-h29zm0gk-s2DBtGUTW4CFel0f0IjTEw#/).