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", "version": " ", "volume_size": "1507328" }, "system_info": { "computer_name": "{{ .CachedString "hostname" }}", "cpu_brand": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000", "cpu_logical_cores": "8", "cpu_physical_cores": "4", "cpu_subtype": "Intel x86-64h Haswell", "cpu_type": "x86_64h", "hardware_model": "MacBookPro11,4", "hardware_serial": "D02R835DG8WK", "hardware_vendor": "Apple Inc.", "hardware_version": "1.0", "hostname": "{{ .CachedString "hostname" }}", "local_hostname": "{{ .CachedString "hostname" }}", "physical_memory": "17179869184", "uuid": "{{ .UUID }}" } }, "host_identifier": "{{ .CachedString "hostname" }}", "platform_type": "16" } {{- end }} {{ define "fleet_detail_query_network_interface" -}} [ { "point_to_point":"", "address":"fe80::8cb:112d:ff51:1e5d%en0", "mask":"ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::", "broadcast":"", "interface":"en0", "mac":"f8:2d:88:93:56:5c", "type":"6", "mtu":"1500", "metric":"0", "ipackets":"278493", 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"build_platform":"darwin", "build_distro":"10.12", "start_time":"1582857555", "watcher":"11286", "platform_mask":"21" } ] {{- end }} {{ define "fleet_detail_query_system_info" -}} [ { "hostname":"{{ .CachedString "hostname" }}", "uuid":"4740D59F-699E-5B29-960B-979AAF9BBEEB", "cpu_type":"x86_64h", "cpu_subtype":"Intel x86-64h Haswell", "cpu_brand":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz", "cpu_physical_cores":"4", "cpu_logical_cores":"8", "cpu_microcode":"", "physical_memory":"17179869184", "hardware_vendor":"Apple Inc.", "hardware_model":"MacBookPro11,4", "hardware_version":"1.0", "hardware_serial":"C02R262BM8LN", "computer_name":"{{ .CachedString "hostname" }}", "local_hostname":"{{ .CachedString "hostname" }}" } ] {{- end }} {{ define "fleet_detail_query_uptime" -}} [ { "days":"0", "hours":"4", "minutes":"38", "seconds":"11", "total_seconds":"16691" } ] {{- end }} {{ define "fleet_detail_query_users" -}} [ {{ range $index, $item := .HostUsersMacOS }} {{if $index}},{{end}} { "uid": "{{ .Uid }}", "username": "{{ .Username }}", "type": "{{ .Type }}", "groupname": "{{ .GroupName }}", "shell": "{{ .Shell }}" } {{- end }} ] {{- end }} {{/* all hosts */}} {{ define "fleet_label_query_6" -}} [ { "1": "1" } ] {{- end }} {{/* All macOS hosts */}} {{ define "fleet_label_query_7" -}} [ { "1": "1" } ] {{- end }} {{/* All Ubuntu hosts */}} {{ define "fleet_label_query_8" -}} [] {{- end }} {{/* All CentOS hosts */}} {{ define "fleet_label_query_9" -}} [] {{- end }} {{/* All Windows hosts */}} {{ define "fleet_label_query_10" -}} [] {{- end }} {{/* All Red Hat hosts */}} {{ define "fleet_label_query_11" -}} [] {{- end }} {{/* All Linux distributions */}} {{ define "fleet_label_query_12" -}} [] {{- end }} {{ define "fleet_detail_query_software_macos" -}} [ {{ range $index, $item := .SoftwareMacOS }} {{if $index}},{{end}} { "name": "{{ .Name }}", "version": "{{ .Version }}", "type": "Application (macOS)", "bundle_identifier": "{{ .BundleIdentifier }}", "source": "apps", {{/* Note that in Go < 1.18, `{{ or (and .LastOpendedAt .LastOpenedAt.Unix) "" }}` won't work as expected because "and" and "or" don't short circuit. This was changed in Go 1.18 */}} {{if .LastOpenedAt}} "last_opened_at": "{{ .LastOpenedAt.Unix }}" {{else}} "last_opened_at": "-1" {{end}} } {{- end }} ] {{- end }}