.PHONY: build clean clean-assets e2e-reset-db e2e-serve e2e-setup changelog db-reset db-backup db-restore check-go-cloner update-go-cloner export GO111MODULE=on PATH := $(shell npm bin):$(PATH) VERSION = $(shell git describe --tags --always --dirty) BRANCH = $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) REVISION = $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) REVSHORT = $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) USER = $(shell whoami) DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME = fleetdm/fleet ifdef GO_TEST_EXTRA_FLAGS GO_TEST_EXTRA_FLAGS_VAR := $(GO_TEST_EXTRA_FLAGS) else GO_TEST_EXTRA_FLAGS_VAR := endif ifdef GO_BUILD_RACE_ENABLED GO_BUILD_RACE_ENABLED_VAR := true else GO_BUILD_RACE_ENABLED_VAR := false endif ifneq ($(OS), Windows_NT) # If on macOS, set the shell to bash explicitly ifeq ($(shell uname), Darwin) SHELL := /bin/bash endif # The output binary name is different on Windows, so we're explicit here OUTPUT = fleet # To populate version metadata, we use unix tools to get certain data GOVERSION = $(shell go version | awk '{print $$3}') NOW = $(shell date +"%Y-%m-%d") else # The output binary name is different on Windows, so we're explicit here OUTPUT = fleet.exe # To populate version metadata, we use windows tools to get the certain data GOVERSION_CMD = "(go version).Split()[2]" GOVERSION = $(shell powershell $(GOVERSION_CMD)) NOW = $(shell powershell Get-Date -format "yyy-MM-dd") endif ifndef CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG = ${REVSHORT} else DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG = dev-${CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER}-${REVSHORT} endif ifdef CIRCLE_TAG DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG = ${CIRCLE_TAG} endif LDFLAGS_VERSION = "\ -X github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/version.appName=${APP_NAME} \ -X github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/version.version=${VERSION} \ -X github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/version.branch=${BRANCH} \ -X github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/version.revision=${REVISION} \ -X github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/version.buildDate=${NOW} \ -X github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/version.buildUser=${USER} \ -X github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/version.goVersion=${GOVERSION}" all: build define HELP_TEXT Makefile commands make deps - Install dependent programs and libraries make generate - Generate and bundle required all code make generate-go - Generate and bundle required go code make generate-js - Generate and bundle required js code make generate-dev - Generate and bundle required code in a watch loop make clean - Clean all build artifacts make clean-assets - Clean assets only make build - Build the code make package - Build rpm and deb packages for linux make test - Run the full test suite make test-go - Run the Go tests make test-js - Run the JavaScript tests make lint - Run all linters make lint-go - Run the Go linters make lint-js - Run the JavaScript linters make lint-scss - Run the SCSS linters make lint-ts - Run the TypeScript linters endef help: $(info $(HELP_TEXT)) .prefix: mkdir -p build/linux mkdir -p build/darwin .pre-build: $(eval GOGC = off) $(eval CGO_ENABLED = 0) .pre-fleet: $(eval APP_NAME = fleet) .pre-fleetctl: $(eval APP_NAME = fleetctl) build: fleet fleetctl fleet: .prefix .pre-build .pre-fleet CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -race=${GO_BUILD_RACE_ENABLED_VAR} -tags full,fts5,netgo -o build/${OUTPUT} -ldflags ${LDFLAGS_VERSION} ./cmd/fleet fleet-dev: GO_BUILD_RACE_ENABLED_VAR=true fleet-dev: fleet fleetctl: .prefix .pre-build .pre-fleetctl # Race requires cgo $(eval CGO_ENABLED := $(shell [[ "${GO_BUILD_RACE_ENABLED_VAR}" = "true" ]] && echo 1 || echo 0)) CGO_ENABLED=${CGO_ENABLED} go build -race=${GO_BUILD_RACE_ENABLED_VAR} -o build/fleetctl -ldflags ${LDFLAGS_VERSION} ./cmd/fleetctl fleetctl-dev: GO_BUILD_RACE_ENABLED_VAR=true fleetctl-dev: fleetctl lint-js: yarn lint lint-go: golangci-lint run --skip-dirs ./node_modules --timeout 15m lint: lint-go lint-js dump-test-schema: go run ./tools/dbutils ./server/datastore/mysql/schema.sql test-go: dump-test-schema generate-mock go test -tags full,fts5,netgo ${GO_TEST_EXTRA_FLAGS_VAR} -parallel 8 -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic -coverpkg=github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/... ./cmd/... ./ee/... ./orbit/pkg/... ./orbit/cmd/orbit ./pkg/... ./server/... ./tools/... analyze-go: go test -tags full,fts5,netgo -race -cover ./... test-js: npm test test: lint test-go test-js generate: clean-assets generate-js generate-go generate-ci: NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider NODE_ENV=development yarn run webpack make generate-go generate-js: clean-assets .prefix NODE_ENV=production yarn run webpack --progress generate-go: .prefix go run github.com/kevinburke/go-bindata/go-bindata -pkg=bindata -tags full \ -o=server/bindata/generated.go \ frontend/templates/ assets/... server/mail/templates # we first generate the webpack bundle so that bindata knows to atch the # output bundle file. then, generate debug bindata source file. finally, we # run webpack in watch mode to continuously re-generate the bundle generate-dev: .prefix NODE_ENV=development yarn run webpack --progress go run github.com/kevinburke/go-bindata/go-bindata -debug -pkg=bindata -tags full \ -o=server/bindata/generated.go \ frontend/templates/ assets/... server/mail/templates NODE_ENV=development yarn run webpack --progress --watch generate-mock: .prefix go generate github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/mock github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/mock/mockresult github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/service/mock generate-doc: .prefix go generate github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/fleet go generate github.com/fleetdm/fleet/v4/server/service/osquery_utils deps: deps-js deps-go deps-js: yarn deps-go: go mod download # check that the generated files in tools/cloner-check/generated_files match # the current version of the cloneable structures. check-go-cloner: go run ./tools/cloner-check/main.go --check # update the files in tools/cloner-check/generated_files with the current # version of the cloneable structures. update-go-cloner: go run ./tools/cloner-check/main.go --update migration: go run ./server/goose/cmd/goose -dir server/datastore/mysql/migrations/tables create $(name) gofmt -w server/datastore/mysql/migrations/tables/*_$(name)*.go clean: clean-assets rm -rf build vendor rm -f assets/bundle.js clean-assets: git clean -fx assets docker-build-release: xp-fleet xp-fleetctl docker build -t "${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}" . docker tag "${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}" fleetdm/fleet:${VERSION} docker tag "${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}" fleetdm/fleet:latest docker-push-release: docker-build-release docker push "${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}" docker push fleetdm/fleet:${VERSION} docker push fleetdm/fleet:latest fleetctl-docker: xp-fleetctl docker build -t fleetdm/fleetctl --platform=linux/amd64 -f tools/fleetctl-docker/Dockerfile . .pre-binary-bundle: rm -rf build/binary-bundle mkdir -p build/binary-bundle/linux mkdir -p build/binary-bundle/darwin xp-fleet: .pre-binary-bundle .pre-fleet generate CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=linux go build -tags full,fts5,netgo -trimpath -o build/binary-bundle/linux/fleet -ldflags ${LDFLAGS_VERSION} ./cmd/fleet CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=darwin go build -tags full,fts5,netgo -trimpath -o build/binary-bundle/darwin/fleet -ldflags ${LDFLAGS_VERSION} ./cmd/fleet CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=windows go build -tags full,fts5,netgo -trimpath -o build/binary-bundle/windows/fleet.exe -ldflags ${LDFLAGS_VERSION} ./cmd/fleet xp-fleetctl: .pre-binary-bundle .pre-fleetctl generate-go CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -trimpath -o build/binary-bundle/linux/fleetctl -ldflags ${LDFLAGS_VERSION} ./cmd/fleetctl CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin go build -trimpath -o build/binary-bundle/darwin/fleetctl -ldflags ${LDFLAGS_VERSION} ./cmd/fleetctl CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows go build -trimpath -o build/binary-bundle/windows/fleetctl.exe -ldflags ${LDFLAGS_VERSION} ./cmd/fleetctl binary-bundle: xp-fleet xp-fleetctl cd build/binary-bundle && zip -r fleet.zip darwin/ linux/ windows/ cd build/binary-bundle && mkdir fleetctl-macos && cp darwin/fleetctl fleetctl-macos && tar -czf fleetctl-macos.tar.gz fleetctl-macos cd build/binary-bundle && mkdir fleetctl-linux && cp linux/fleetctl fleetctl-linux && tar -czf fleetctl-linux.tar.gz fleetctl-linux cd build/binary-bundle && mkdir fleetctl-windows && cp windows/fleetctl.exe fleetctl-windows && tar -czf fleetctl-windows.tar.gz fleetctl-windows cd build/binary-bundle && cp windows/fleetctl.exe . && zip fleetctl.exe.zip fleetctl.exe cd build/binary-bundle && shasum -a 256 fleet.zip fleetctl.exe.zip fleetctl-macos.tar.gz fleetctl-windows.tar.gz fleetctl-linux.tar.gz # Build orbit/fleetd fleetd_tables extension fleetd-tables-windows: GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o fleetd_tables_windows.exe ./orbit/cmd/fleetd_tables fleetd-tables-linux: GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o fleetd_tables_linux.ext ./orbit/cmd/fleetd_tables fleetd-tables-darwin: GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o fleetd_tables_darwin.ext ./orbit/cmd/fleetd_tables fleetd-tables-darwin_arm: GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -o fleetd_tables_darwin_arm.ext ./orbit/cmd/fleetd_tables fleetd-tables-darwin-universal: fleetd-tables-darwin fleetd-tables-darwin_arm lipo -create fleetd_tables_darwin.ext fleetd_tables_darwin_arm.ext -output fleetd_tables_darwin_universal.ext fleetd-tables-all: fleetd-tables-windows fleetd-tables-linux fleetd-tables-darwin-universal fleetd-tables-clean: rm -f fleetd_tables_windows.exe fleetd_tables_linux.ext fleetd_tables_darwin.ext fleetd_tables_darwin_arm.ext fleetd_tables_darwin_universal.ext .pre-binary-arch: ifndef GOOS @echo "GOOS is Empty. Try use to see valid GOOS/GOARCH platform: go tool dist list. Ex.: make binary-arch GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64" @exit 1; endif ifndef GOARCH @echo "GOARCH is Empty. Try use to see valid GOOS/GOARCH platform: go tool dist list. Ex.: make binary-arch GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64" @exit 1; endif binary-arch: .pre-binary-arch .pre-binary-bundle .pre-fleet mkdir -p build/binary-bundle/${GOARCH}-${GOOS} CGO_ENABLED=1 GOARCH=${GOARCH} GOOS=${GOOS} go build -tags full,fts5,netgo -o build/binary-bundle/${GOARCH}-${GOOS}/fleet -ldflags ${LDFLAGS_VERSION} ./cmd/fleet CGO_ENABLED=0 GOARCH=${GOARCH} GOOS=${GOOS} go build -tags full,fts5,netgo -o build/binary-bundle/${GOARCH}-${GOOS}/fleetctl -ldflags ${LDFLAGS_VERSION} ./cmd/fleetctl cd build/binary-bundle/${GOARCH}-${GOOS} && tar -czf fleetctl-${GOARCH}-${GOOS}.tar.gz fleetctl fleet # Drop, create, and migrate the e2e test database e2e-reset-db: docker-compose exec -T mysql_test bash -c 'echo "drop database if exists e2e; create database e2e;" | MYSQL_PWD=toor mysql -uroot' ./build/fleet prepare db --mysql_address=localhost:3307 --mysql_username=root --mysql_password=toor --mysql_database=e2e e2e-setup: ./build/fleetctl config set --context e2e --address https://localhost:8642 --tls-skip-verify true ./build/fleetctl setup --context e2e --email=admin@example.com --password=password123# --org-name='Fleet Test' --name Admin ./build/fleetctl user create --context e2e --email=maintainer@example.com --name maintainer --password=password123# --global-role=maintainer ./build/fleetctl user create --context e2e --email=observer@example.com --name observer --password=password123# --global-role=observer ./build/fleetctl user create --context e2e --email=sso_user@example.com --name "SSO user" --sso=true # Setup e2e test environment and pre-populate database with software and vulnerabilities fixtures. # # Use in lieu of `e2e-setup` for tests that depend on these fixtures e2e-setup-with-software: curl 'https://localhost:8642/api/v1/setup' \ --data-raw '{"server_url":"https://localhost:8642","org_info":{"org_name":"Fleet Test"},"admin":{"admin":true,"email":"admin@example.com","name":"Admin","password":"password123#","password_confirmation":"password123#"}}' \ --compressed \ --insecure ./tools/backup_db/restore_e2e_software_test.sh e2e-serve-free: e2e-reset-db ./build/fleet serve --mysql_address=localhost:3307 --mysql_username=root --mysql_password=toor --mysql_database=e2e --server_address= e2e-serve-premium: e2e-reset-db ./build/fleet serve --dev_license --mysql_address=localhost:3307 --mysql_username=root --mysql_password=toor --mysql_database=e2e --server_address= # Associate a host with a Fleet Desktop token. # # Usage: # make e2e-set-desktop-token host_id=1 token=foo e2e-set-desktop-token: docker-compose exec -T mysql_test bash -c 'echo "INSERT INTO e2e.host_device_auth (host_id, token) VALUES ($(host_id), \"$(token)\") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE token=VALUES(token)" | MYSQL_PWD=toor mysql -uroot' changelog: sh -c "find changes -type f | grep -v .keep | xargs -I {} sh -c 'grep \"\S\" {}; echo' > new-CHANGELOG.md" sh -c "cat new-CHANGELOG.md CHANGELOG.md > tmp-CHANGELOG.md && rm new-CHANGELOG.md && mv tmp-CHANGELOG.md CHANGELOG.md" sh -c "git rm changes/*" changelog-orbit: sh -c "find orbit/changes -type file | grep -v .keep | xargs -I {} sh -c 'grep \"\S\" {}; echo' > new-CHANGELOG.md" sh -c "cat new-CHANGELOG.md orbit/CHANGELOG.md > tmp-CHANGELOG.md && rm new-CHANGELOG.md && mv tmp-CHANGELOG.md orbit/CHANGELOG.md" sh -c "git rm orbit/changes/*" ### # Development DB commands ### # Reset the development DB db-reset: docker-compose exec -T mysql bash -c 'echo "drop database if exists fleet; create database fleet;" | MYSQL_PWD=toor mysql -uroot' ./build/fleet prepare db --dev # Back up the development DB to file db-backup: ./tools/backup_db/backup.sh # Restore the development DB from file db-restore: ./tools/backup_db/restore.sh # Generate osqueryd.app.tar.gz bundle from osquery.io. # # Usage: # make osqueryd-app-tar-gz version=5.1.0 out-path=. osqueryd-app-tar-gz: ifneq ($(shell uname), Darwin) @echo "Makefile target osqueryd-app-tar-gz is only supported on macOS" @exit 1 endif $(eval TMP_DIR := $(shell mktemp -d)) curl -L https://github.com/osquery/osquery/releases/download/$(version)/osquery-$(version).pkg --output $(TMP_DIR)/osquery-$(version).pkg pkgutil --expand $(TMP_DIR)/osquery-$(version).pkg $(TMP_DIR)/osquery_pkg_expanded rm -rf $(TMP_DIR)/osquery_pkg_payload_expanded mkdir -p $(TMP_DIR)/osquery_pkg_payload_expanded tar xf $(TMP_DIR)/osquery_pkg_expanded/Payload --directory $(TMP_DIR)/osquery_pkg_payload_expanded $(TMP_DIR)/osquery_pkg_payload_expanded/opt/osquery/lib/osquery.app/Contents/MacOS/osqueryd --version tar czf $(out-path)/osqueryd.app.tar.gz -C $(TMP_DIR)/osquery_pkg_payload_expanded/opt/osquery/lib osquery.app rm -r $(TMP_DIR) # Generate nudge.app.tar.gz bundle from nudge repo. # # Usage: # make nudge-app-tar-gz version= out-path=. nudge-app-tar-gz: ifneq ($(shell uname), Darwin) @echo "Makefile target nudge-app-tar-gz is only supported on macOS" @exit 1 endif $(eval TMP_DIR := $(shell mktemp -d)) curl -L https://github.com/macadmins/nudge/releases/download/v$(version)/Nudge-$(version).pkg --output $(TMP_DIR)/nudge-$(version).pkg pkgutil --expand $(TMP_DIR)/nudge-$(version).pkg $(TMP_DIR)/nudge_pkg_expanded mkdir -p $(TMP_DIR)/nudge_pkg_payload_expanded tar xvf $(TMP_DIR)/nudge_pkg_expanded/nudge-$(version).pkg/Payload --directory $(TMP_DIR)/nudge_pkg_payload_expanded $(TMP_DIR)/nudge_pkg_payload_expanded/Nudge.app/Contents/MacOS/Nudge --version tar czf $(out-path)/nudge.app.tar.gz -C $(TMP_DIR)/nudge_pkg_payload_expanded/ Nudge.app rm -r $(TMP_DIR) # Generate swiftDialog.app.tar.gz bundle from the swiftDialog repo. # # Usage: # make swift-dialog-app-tar-gz version=2.2.1 build=4591 out-path=. swift-dialog-app-tar-gz: ifneq ($(shell uname), Darwin) @echo "Makefile target swift-dialog-app-tar-gz is only supported on macOS" @exit 1 endif # locking the version of swiftDialog to 2.2.1-4591 as newer versions # migth have layout issues. ifneq ($(version), 2.2.1) @echo "Version is locked at 2.1.0, see comments in Makefile target for details" @exit 1 endif ifneq ($(build), 4591) @echo "Build version is locked at 4591, see comments in Makefile target for details" @exit 1 endif $(eval TMP_DIR := $(shell mktemp -d)) curl -L https://github.com/swiftDialog/swiftDialog/releases/download/v$(version)/dialog-$(version)-$(build).pkg --output $(TMP_DIR)/swiftDialog-$(version).pkg pkgutil --expand $(TMP_DIR)/swiftDialog-$(version).pkg $(TMP_DIR)/swiftDialog_pkg_expanded mkdir -p $(TMP_DIR)/swiftDialog_pkg_payload_expanded tar xvf $(TMP_DIR)/swiftDialog_pkg_expanded/tmp-package.pkg/Payload --directory $(TMP_DIR)/swiftDialog_pkg_payload_expanded $(TMP_DIR)/swiftDialog_pkg_payload_expanded/Library/Application\ Support/Dialog/Dialog.app/Contents/MacOS/Dialog --version tar czf $(out-path)/swiftDialog.app.tar.gz -C $(TMP_DIR)/swiftDialog_pkg_payload_expanded/Library/Application\ Support/Dialog/ Dialog.app rm -rf $(TMP_DIR) # Build and generate desktop.app.tar.gz bundle. # # Usage: # FLEET_DESKTOP_APPLE_AUTHORITY=foo FLEET_DESKTOP_VERSION=0.0.1 make desktop-app-tar-gz # # Output: desktop.app.tar.gz desktop-app-tar-gz: ifneq ($(shell uname), Darwin) @echo "Makefile target desktop-app-tar-gz is only supported on macOS" @exit 1 endif go run ./tools/desktop macos FLEET_DESKTOP_VERSION ?= unknown # Build desktop executable for Windows. # This generates desktop executable for Windows that includes versioninfo binary properties # These properties can be displayed when right-click on the binary in Windows Explorer. # See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/versioninfo-resource # To sign this binary with a certificate, use signtool.exe or osslsigncode tool # # Usage: # FLEET_DESKTOP_VERSION=0.0.1 make desktop-windows # # Output: fleet-desktop.exe desktop-windows: go run ./orbit/tools/build/build-windows.go -version $(FLEET_DESKTOP_VERSION) -input ./orbit/cmd/desktop -output fleet-desktop.exe # Build desktop executable for Linux. # # Usage: # FLEET_DESKTOP_VERSION=0.0.1 make desktop-linux # # Output: desktop.tar.gz desktop-linux: docker build -f Dockerfile-desktop-linux -t desktop-linux-builder . docker run --rm -v $(shell pwd):/output desktop-linux-builder /bin/bash -c "\ mkdir /output/fleet-desktop && \ go build -o /output/fleet-desktop/fleet-desktop -ldflags "-X=main.version=$(FLEET_DESKTOP_VERSION)" /usr/src/fleet/orbit/cmd/desktop && \ cd /output && \ tar czf desktop.tar.gz fleet-desktop && \ rm -r fleet-desktop" # Build orbit executable for Windows. # This generates orbit executable for Windows that includes versioninfo binary properties # These properties can be displayed when right-click on the binary in Windows Explorer. # See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/versioninfo-resource # To sign this binary with a certificate, use signtool.exe or osslsigncode tool # # Usage: # ORBIT_VERSION=0.0.1 make orbit-windows # # Output: orbit.exe orbit-windows: go run ./orbit/tools/build/build-windows.go -version $(ORBIT_VERSION) -input ./orbit/cmd/orbit -output orbit.exe # db-replica-setup setups one main and one read replica MySQL instance for dev/testing. # - Assumes the docker containers are already running (tools/mysql-replica-testing/docker-compose.yml) # - MySQL instance listening on 3308 is the main instance. # - MySQL instance listening on 3309 is the read instance. # - Sets a delay of 1s for replication. db-replica-setup: $(eval MYSQL_REPLICATION_USER := replicator) $(eval MYSQL_REPLICATION_PASSWORD := rotacilper) MYSQL_PWD=toor mysql --host --port 3309 -uroot -AN -e "stop slave; reset slave all;" MYSQL_PWD=toor mysql --host --port 3308 -uroot -AN -e "drop user if exists '$(MYSQL_REPLICATION_USER)'; create user '$(MYSQL_REPLICATION_USER)'@'%'; grant replication slave on *.* to '$(MYSQL_REPLICATION_USER)'@'%' identified by '$(MYSQL_REPLICATION_PASSWORD)'; flush privileges;" $(eval MAIN_POSITION := $(shell MYSQL_PWD=toor mysql --host --port 3308 -uroot -e 'show master status \G' | grep Position | grep -o '[0-9]*')) $(eval MAIN_FILE := $(shell MYSQL_PWD=toor mysql --host --port 3308 -uroot -e 'show master status \G' | grep File | sed -n -e 's/^.*: //p')) MYSQL_PWD=toor mysql --host --port 3309 -uroot -AN -e "change master to master_host='mysql_main',master_user='$(MYSQL_REPLICATION_USER)',master_password='$(MYSQL_REPLICATION_PASSWORD)',master_log_file='$(MAIN_FILE)',master_log_pos=$(MAIN_POSITION);" MYSQL_PWD=toor mysql --host --port 3309 -uroot -AN -e "change master to master_delay=1;" MYSQL_PWD=toor mysql --host --port 3309 -uroot -AN -e "start slave;" # db-replica-reset resets the main MySQL instance. db-replica-reset: fleet MYSQL_PWD=toor mysql --host --port 3308 -uroot -e "drop database if exists fleet; create database fleet;" FLEET_MYSQL_ADDRESS= ./build/fleet prepare db --dev # db-replica-run runs fleet serve with one main and one read MySQL instance. db-replica-run: fleet FLEET_MYSQL_ADDRESS= FLEET_MYSQL_READ_REPLICA_ADDRESS= FLEET_MYSQL_READ_REPLICA_USERNAME=fleet FLEET_MYSQL_READ_REPLICA_DATABASE=fleet FLEET_MYSQL_READ_REPLICA_PASSWORD=insecure ./build/fleet serve --dev --dev_license