* moves login page styles to reusable component
* Redirects successful login to homepage after 3s
* Adds logout form
* Adds logout page
* Adds logout link to homepage
* Adds gravatarURL to logged in user
* Configure API Client to hit /me endpoint
* Fetch user when the app loads
* Configured API Client to make logout requests
* Handle logout flow in redux
* Logout form styles
* Logout user when the logout form is submitted
* Extracts stacked boxes UI to a re-usable component
* Presence validator
* Equality validator
* Adds ResetPasswordFrom
* PasswordResetPage component and route
* Ex icon on forgot pw page goes to login
* Smooth out the fonts so they match the mocks
* Remove dynamic background and refactor colors
* API client utility
* moves test helpers to the test directory
* Utility to namespace local storage keys
* LoginSuccessfulPage component
* Check icon
* adds auth to redux state
* successful form submission
* Allow tests to load dummy SVG static images & test fixes