Running applications as root (default Docker user) is not a good security practice. The goal of this PR is to run the Fleet application as a non-root user.
For development you can still access the container as root with the following command: `docker run -it --user=0 <fleetdm container ID> bash`
This commit vendors in all of our dependencies using
[GoDep]( We are forgoing using a vendor/ folder to avoid checking in deps into the repo.
Note: Never manually modify `Godeps/Godeps.json` this file is dynamically
by the godep CLI
Common Actions:
To add a new package foo/bar, do this:
1. Run `go get foo/bar`
1. Edit your code to import foo/bar.
1. Run `godep save` (or `godep save ./...`).
To update a package from your `$GOPATH`, do this:
1. Run `go get -u foo/bar`
1. Run `godep update foo/bar`. (You can use the `...` wildcard, for example
`godep update foo/...`).
This commit adds both a Dockerfile and updates the docker-compose.yml with local mounting so that you can standup a consistent dev environment. Please view the project README for more information.