* tests for auth endpoints
* create user test and fatals instead of panics
* more tests
* remove init viper config setting
* stubbing
* more tests
* more tests
* organizing auth and users files
* rest of auth tests
* password reset tests
* create datastore package with New func to create a db connection
* separate creating a user object from saving to db
temporarily pass db around through gin context to compile app
main should create the datastore and pass it in to http handler explicitly instead
* create datastore from config params
* move gorm specific code to gorm.go
* re-export app.NewUser
* test new user
* add User() method for getting a user
temporary, the API will improve once I add filters
refactor test func to use sqlite by default and mysql if available
* add save user
* move some users tests to datastore, temporarily remove user tests from app
* add EnrollHost and test
* move enrollhost to datastore
* all enrollment tests now in datastore
* add datastore_test for re-enroll
* it compiles now...
* move other interfaces to models
* start wrapping errors in database error
* add tests for campaign
* move users to package kolide
* move hosts and passwordrequests
* package kolide
* moving all types to package kolide
* making new osquery endpoints use groob's new pattern
* Add sensible React base to the app for frontend
This PR attempts to "reactify" Kolide and provide a sane development environment
that a front-end engineer would probably expect.
This PR accomplishes by doing the following:
1. Reorganizes the app into a `server/` and `client/` folders to keep golang
logic separated from react logic.
2. Adds an "asset pipeline" via webpack which knows how to build a js
and css bundle.
3. Packages up all static assets in a go-bindata file so that the binary
remains portable without external file dependencies.
1. Add a Makefile with several targets that will be common in everyday
development. For example, we have `serve` target which spins up a nodejs
reverse proxy on port 8081 which then watches for changed files, automatically
rebuilds the app, and hot loads the new JS/CSS in.
**Note:** Please use `make` to build the app, not `go build` as there are
now several things that need to be orchestrated beyond the go code to build the app.
* Create build if it doesn't exist, and use `go get`
* Improve README to reflect new dev workflow
* Document css vars and funcs and use alias paths
* makefile and structure modifications
* New function `errors.ReturnError` for writing errors into the HTTP response
* New type `KolideError` that includes additional error context
* Validation and application errors are reported in a consistent JSON format
* Add 404 handler
* Refactored error handling throughout codebase to use new error patterns
This commit vendors in all of our dependencies using
[GoDep](https://github.com/tools/godep). We are forgoing using a vendor/ folder to avoid checking in deps into the repo.
Note: Never manually modify `Godeps/Godeps.json` this file is dynamically
by the godep CLI
Common Actions:
To add a new package foo/bar, do this:
1. Run `go get foo/bar`
1. Edit your code to import foo/bar.
1. Run `godep save` (or `godep save ./...`).
To update a package from your `$GOPATH`, do this:
1. Run `go get -u foo/bar`
1. Run `godep update foo/bar`. (You can use the `...` wildcard, for example
`godep update foo/...`).
Example output:
$ kolide-ose serve
=> kolide 0.1.0 application starting on https://:8080
=> Run `kolide help serve` for more startup options
Use Ctrl-C to stop
time="2016-08-02T14:25:02-07:00" level=info msg="some info logs!"
file=proc.go func=runtime.main line=188
time="2016-08-02T14:25:02-07:00" level=error msg="some error logs :("
file=proc.go func=runtime.main line=188