This PR includes various fixes to anchor links used in the documentation.
There are certain characters GitHub doesn't support for the use of anchor links in markdown files. The general rule I've found is to only use a-z or A-Z characters in anchor links. All other characters should be removed.
For example, consider the section title How do I connect to the Mailhog simulated server?. The valid GitHub anchor link for this section is #how-do-i-connect-to-the-mailhog-simulated-server. Notice no ?.
The api/v1/fleet/queries/run_by_names endpoint was incorrectly documented as discussed in #409. This PR includes the fix.
- Add the query parameter to the queries/run_by_names endpoint and edit the example requests to include this parameter.
This PR includes two documentation fixes.
1. Remove the support property from the osquery queries spec in the fleetctl docs. The support property is not a feature of osquery or Fleet.
2. Edit the api/v1/fleet/queries/run_by_names with accurate examples. This endpoint sends query targets (hosts and labels) by name (hostname and label name). Contrast this with the api/v1/fleet/queries/run which sends query targets by id (host id and label id)
This PR is part of the Complete documentation for Fleet API project #43.
The endpoint included in these changes:
- POST /api/v1/fleet/reset_password
- GET /api/v1/fleet/sessions/{id}
- DELETE /api/v1/fleet/sessions/{id}
- POST /api/v1/fleet/queries/delete
- GET /api/v1/fleet/email/change/{token}
The enrollment cooldown period was sometimes causing problems when
osquery (probably unintentionally, see tried to enroll more
than once from the same osqueryd process.
We now set this to default to off and make it configurable. With #417
this feature may be unnecessary for most deployments.
Osquery now exposes more information during host enrollment than Fleet
previously handled. We can use this to provide more options to users in
problematic enrollment scenarios.
Users can configure --osquery_host_identifier in Fleet to set which
identifier is used to determine uniqueness of hosts. The
default (provided) replicates existing behavior in Fleet. For many
users, setting this to instance will provide better enrollment
Add documentation on the websocket endpoints in the Fleet API. These endpoints allow users to retrieve live query results.
Endpoints added include:
- `api/v1/fleet/results`
- `api/v1/fleet/results/websockets`
- Fix api/v1/fleet/queries/run endpoint. Prior the fix, the endpoint was incorrectly documented as api/v1/fleet/spec/queries/run
- Fix api/v1/fleet/queries/run_by_names endpoint. Prior the fix, the endpoint was incorrectly documented as api/v1/fleet/queries/run
The endpoint included in these changes:
- /api/v1/kolide/carves GET
- /api/v1/kolide/carves/{id} GET
- /api/v1/kolide/users/{id} PATCH
- /api/v1/kolide/users/{id}/enable POST
- /api/v1/kolide/users/{id}/admin POST
- /api/v1/kolide/users/{id}/require_password_reset POST
- /api/v1/kolide/users/{id}/sessions GET
- /api/v1/kolide/users/{id}/sessions DELETE
- Add query parameter to the /api/v1/fleet/hosts endpoint and edit the example request and response.
- Add query parameter to the /api/v1/fleet/labels/{id}/hosts endpoint
These changes support the ability to perform a search on the Hosts table by hostname, machine_serial, and ipv4.
This PR is part of the Complete documentation for Fleet API project #43.
The endpoint included in these changes:
- `POST api/v1/fleet/targets`
Additional changes:
- Now order_key and order_direction are included in the parameters table for endpoints that support them. Fixes#326
- Change endpoints to `api/v1/fleet` naming
This PR is part of the Complete documentation for Fleet API project #43.
The endpoints included in these changes:
- /labels POST
- /labels/{id} PATCH
- /labels/{id} GET
- /labels GET
- /labels/{id}/hosts GET
- /labels/{name} DELETE
- /labels/id/{id} DELETE
- /spec/labels POST
- /spec/labels GET
- /spec/labels/{name} GET
- Support both /api/v1/fleet and /api/v1/kolide routes in server.
- Add logging for use of deprecated routes.
- Rename routes in frontend JS.
- Rename routes and add notes in documentation.
In #212 these settings were updated and caused connectivity issues for
users in common environment configurations. The new changes are
aggressive (modern enforces TLS 1.3) and Mozilla indicates that
intermediate is an appropriate default. This will ensure better
compatibility for common deployments while still allowing the option to
use the strictest settings.
Document unintentional mismatched yaml key.
- Add --dev flag that will set default flag values. This simplifies the
invocation of Fleet in a development environment.
- Change defaults in docker-compose to use `fleet` in place of `kolide`.
- Skip prompt in `prepare db` when `--dev` specified.
- Update developer documentation.
Updates to MySQL configuration in docker-compose.yml may require
existing development containers and volumes to be deleted (this will
delete data in MySQL):
docker-compose rm -sf
docker volume rm fleet_mysql-persistent-volume
Reformat the anchor links for specific endpoints by moving these links to their respective sections.
The endpoints included in these changes:
- /api/v1/kolide/packs POST
- /api/v1/kolide/packs/{id} PATCH "modify_pack"
- /api/v1/kolide/packs/{id} GET "get_pack"
- /api/v1/kolide/packs GET "list_packs"
- /api/v1/kolide/packs/{name} DELETE "delete_pack"
- /api/v1/kolide/packs/id/{id} DELETE "delete_pack_by_id"
- /api/v1/kolide/packs/{id}/scheduled GET "get_scheduled_queries_in_pack"
- /api/v1/kolide/schedule POST "schedule_query"
- /api/v1/kolide/schedule/{id} GET "get_scheduled_query"
- /api/v1/kolide/schedule/{id} PATCH "modify_scheduled_query"
- /api/v1/kolide/schedule/{id} DELETE "delete_scheduled_query"
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/packs POST "apply_pack_specs"
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/packs GET "get_pack_specs"
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/packs/{name} GET "get_pack_spec"
The endpoints included in these changes:
- /api/v1/kolide/queries/{id} GET
- /api/v1/kolide/queries/{id} PATCH
- /api/v1/kolide/queries/{name} DELETE
- /api/v1/kolide/queries GET
- /api/v1/kolide/queries POST
- /api/v1/kolide/queries/id/{id} DELETE
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/queries POST
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/queries GET
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/queries/{name} GET
- /api/v1/kolide/queries/run POST
- /api/v1/kolide/queries/run_by_names POST
The endpoints included in these changes:
- /api/v1/kolide/host_summary GET
- /api/v1/kolide/hosts/{id} GET
- /api/v1/kolide/hosts/identifier/{identifier} GET
- /api/v1/kolide/hosts/{id} DELETE
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/osquery_options POST
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/osquery_options GET
Mozilla's recommended settings have changed since this was last updated.
We now link directly to the relevant revision in the Mozilla wiki to
avoid confusion if this is updated.
This PR is part of the Complete documentation for Fleet API project #43.
The endpoints included in these changes:
- /api/v1/kolide/config/certificate GET
- /api/v1/kolide/config GET
- /api/v1/kolide/config PATCH
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/enroll_secret POST
- /api/v1/kolide/spec/enroll_secret GET
- /api/v1/kolide/invites POST
- /api/v1/kolide/invites GET
- /api/v1/kolide/invites/{id} DELETE
- /api/v1/kolide/invites/{token} GET
- Quick attempt to alleviate potential confusion for how the osquery configuration overrides option works
- Leave in the commented explanation in the sample yaml file
- Split the array of objects to separate objects for each pattern in ignorePatterns. Rename the key in each object to "pattern." The documentation for the example config file is poor.
- Add and /server/datastore/mysql/migrations/ to ignorePatterns
- Add 999 to aliveStatucCodes (Seems to be a LinkedIn edge case)
- Fix all broken markdown links