* create skeleton of team management page and hook it up with routing
* added reducers and kolide api teams code, hooked up empty state
* request for get all teams and remove unused loading bar
* fix sending teams response to store
* added create team functionality|gs
* added edit and delete fuctionality to teams management
* fixed up some edge cases for deleting and editing teams
* remove unused UserRow
* get list of teams for user to add new users to, fix up Userform
This if the 2nd PR as part of the of the Align components in Fleet UI with design system in Figma #539
These changes **refactor the spacing and font sizes** used by the frontend.
- Change the scss variables in `padding.scss` and `fonts.scss`.
- Replace custom styles with the new variables throughout all stylesheets.
- This if the 1st PR as part of the of the Align components in Fleet UI with design system in Figma #539
- These changes replace all the color variables in /styles/var/colors.scss with new colors and naming convention used in Figma.
* use new data table in user manage page'
* remove default empty array hiddenColumns props, was causing render performance problems
* remove unused tooltip in hostcontainer
* add search to user manage table
* add query params to user GET requests
* move createUserForm closer to user management page
* starting to implement create user modal
* starting to add team checking functionality to create user
* styling of select team form
* changing logic for selectedTeamsForm, simplifying
* updated SelectedTeamsForm to handle own state and pass back relevant state to parent
* created reusable infobanner component and use it in osquery options page
* use infobanner in createuserform
* create new Radio component and use in createuserform
* create new Radio component and use in createuserform
* added new radio buttons to createUserForm
* finish custom radio button styling
* finish styling of radio in createUserForm
* fix and add entities/users#loadAll tests
* remove unneeded tests and updated broken ones on UserManagementPage
* remove unused modules