* Adds campaigns to redux state
* Update campaign with web socket data
* Destroy the current campaign when creating a new one
* close the socket when leaving the page or creating a new campaign
* Allow stopping a running query
* Update campaign with query results
* Adds QueryResultsTable
* Display flash message if campaign can't be created
* Allow filtering query results
* Adds filter icon
* Prevent query text updates when the query is running
* Updates eslint packages
* Expected parentheses around arrow function argument having a body with curly braces
* Prop type `object` is forbidden
* Visible, non-interactive elements should not have mouse or keyboard event listeners
* Prop type is defined but not used
* Unexpected use of file extension "jsx"
* Expected 'this' to be used by class method
* HTML entities must be escaped
* Prevent default behavior on more options button click
* Adds loadAll action to redux entity config
* API Client get invites
* Add invites to the user management page
* Updates user block styles on user management page
* Submit modal form on enter
* Modify details form styles
* Enter submits edit user form
* Removes unused admin dashboard page
* API Client - revoke invites
* Delete invite entities in redux
* Revoke invites from admin manage users page
* Show success flash message after user invite is revoked
* moves login page styles to reusable component
* Redirects successful login to homepage after 3s
* Adds logout form
* Adds logout page
* Adds logout link to homepage
* Adds gravatarURL to logged in user
* Configure API Client to hit /me endpoint
* Fetch user when the app loads
* Configured API Client to make logout requests
* Handle logout flow in redux
* Logout form styles
* Logout user when the logout form is submitted
* Authentication middleware
* API client refactor
* Configure API client to make forgot_password requests
* Successfully submit forgot password form
* Display server errors for unknown email address