This is the first PR as a part of the Fleet UI Refresh #38.
Changes include:
- Add Nunito Sans font files and modify global styles to reflect the font change.
- Modify global font variables to reflect new sizing and weight naming conventions.
-- New sizing and naming conventions:
--- SIZE: xx-small: 12px, x-small: 14px, small: 16px, medium: 20px, large: 24px, x-large: 28px
--- WEIGHT: regular: 400, bold: 700
- Remove the old Oxygen font files.
Changes to other style sheets reflect the changes to the new font sizing and weight naming conventions for global variables. The changes don't necessarily use the correct size (as illustrated by mockups). Those "up to spec" sizing changes are to come.
* API client for patching a scheduled query
* Change select to check on ScheduledQueriesLists
* Clicking a scheduled query list item selects the scheduled query
* Helpers to format scheduled queries for client/server
* Allow updating a scheduled query
* Form cancel button
* Creates new PackComposerPage at /packs/new
* Creates PackForm component
* Adds PackForm to PackComposerPage
* Creates QueriesListItem
* Creates QueriesList
* Creates QueriesListWrapper
* Get all queries when the Packs Composer Page loads
* Form HOC handles updates to formData prop
* Creates form to configure scheduled queries
* QueriesListWrapper renders ConfigurePackQueryForm
* search queries input filters queries list
* Empty state text
* create pack when user submits the new pack form
* Adds Edit pack page to /packs/:pack_id/edit
* API client - get scheduled queries for a pack
* API client - create scheduled query
* Redux config for scheduled queries
* Remove scheduled queries from packs
* Add labels to pack on create
* Add disabled state to the select targets dropdown
* Adds edit route and pushes to new route on edit click
* Adds cancel button to edit pack form
* Adds Checkbox that selects all scheduled queries in table