* New query pack table renders
* services/entities created/updated with 5+ needed APIs requests for EditPacksPage
* Refactor jsx to tsx PackQueriesListWrapper, EditPackForm, EditPackPage
* Refactor to new patterns on useQuery, useEffect, and useState
* Refactor to new pattern formData formatting
* Edit, remove pack query modals
* e2e test: packflow built to test create, update, delete of pack, fix brittle teamflow
* add messaging in autocomplete dropdown to show reason why user cannot be selected
* user permission utils
* doc autocomplete dropdown and move it closer to wehre its used
* test for select teams form
* test for data table and transfer host endpoint
* moving host actions and entities to ts
* change host transfer to new endpoint:
* added more tests to data table
* change some comments
* change import path
* fix build TS errors
* change data table test string