
188 lines
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Raw Normal View History

package mysql
import (
// These queries are a bit annoyingly written. The main reason they are this way is that we want rownum sorted. There's
// a slightly simpler version but that adds the rownum before sorting.
const scheduledQueryPercentileQuery = `
coalesce((t1.%s / t1.executions), 0)
SELECT (@rownum := @rownum + 1) AS row_number_value, mm.* FROM (
SELECT d.scheduled_query_id, d.%s, d.executions
FROM scheduled_query_stats d
WHERE d.scheduled_query_id=?
ORDER BY (d.%s / d.executions) ASC
) AS mm
) AS t1,
(SELECT @rownum := 0) AS r,
SELECT count(*) AS total_rows
FROM scheduled_query_stats d
WHERE d.scheduled_query_id=?
) AS t2
WHERE t1.row_number_value = floor(total_rows * %s) + 1;`
const queryPercentileQuery = `
coalesce((t1.%s / t1.executions), 0)
SELECT @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS row_number_value, mm.* FROM (
SELECT d.scheduled_query_id, d.%s, d.executions
FROM scheduled_query_stats d
JOIN scheduled_queries sq ON (sq.id=d.scheduled_query_id)
WHERE sq.query_id=?
ORDER BY (d.%s / d.executions) ASC
) AS mm
) AS t1,
(SELECT @rownum := 0) AS r,
SELECT count(*) AS total_rows
FROM scheduled_query_stats d
JOIN scheduled_queries sq ON (sq.id=d.scheduled_query_id)
WHERE sq.query_id=?
) AS t2
WHERE t1.row_number_value = floor(total_rows * %s) + 1;`
const (
scheduledQueryTotalExecutions = `SELECT coalesce(sum(executions), 0) FROM scheduled_query_stats WHERE scheduled_query_id=?`
queryTotalExecutions = `SELECT coalesce(sum(executions), 0) FROM scheduled_query_stats sqs JOIN scheduled_queries sq ON (sqs.scheduled_query_id=sq.id) JOIN queries q ON (q.id=sq.query_id) WHERE sq.query_id=?`
func getPercentileQuery(aggregate string, time string, percentile string) string {
switch aggregate {
case "scheduled_query":
return fmt.Sprintf(scheduledQueryPercentileQuery, time, time, time, percentile)
case "query":
return fmt.Sprintf(queryPercentileQuery, time, time, time, percentile)
return ""
func setP50AndP95Map(ctx context.Context, tx sqlx.QueryerContext, aggregate string, time string, id uint, statsMap map[string]interface{}) error {
var p50, p95 float64
err := sqlx.GetContext(ctx, tx, &p50, getPercentileQuery(aggregate, time, "0.5"), id, id)
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil
return ctxerr.Wrapf(ctx, err, "getting %s p50 for %s %d", time, aggregate, id)
statsMap[time+"_p50"] = p50
err = sqlx.GetContext(ctx, tx, &p95, getPercentileQuery(aggregate, time, "0.95"), id, id)
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil
return ctxerr.Wrapf(ctx, err, "getting %s p95 for %s %d", time, aggregate, id)
statsMap[time+"_p95"] = p95
return nil
func (d *Datastore) UpdateScheduledQueryAggregatedStats(ctx context.Context) error {
statsTypeScheduledQuery := "scheduled_query"
err := walkIdsInTable(ctx, d.reader, "scheduled_queries", func(id uint) error {
return calculatePercentiles(ctx, d.writer, statsTypeScheduledQuery, id)
if err != nil {
return ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, err, "looping through ids")
return nil
func (d *Datastore) UpdateQueryAggregatedStats(ctx context.Context) error {
statsTypeQuery := "query"
err := walkIdsInTable(ctx, d.reader, "queries", func(id uint) error {
return calculatePercentiles(ctx, d.writer, statsTypeQuery, id)
if err != nil {
return ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, err, "looping through ids")
return nil
func calculatePercentiles(ctx context.Context, tx sqlx.ExtContext, aggregate string, id uint) error {
var totalExecutions int
statsMap := make(map[string]interface{})
// many queries is not ideal, but getting both values and totals in the same query was a bit more complicated
// so I went for the simpler approach first, we can optimize later
if err := setP50AndP95Map(ctx, tx, aggregate, "user_time", id, statsMap); err != nil {
return err
if err := setP50AndP95Map(ctx, tx, aggregate, "system_time", id, statsMap); err != nil {
return err
err := sqlx.GetContext(ctx, tx, &totalExecutions, getTotalExecutionsQuery(aggregate), id)
if err != nil {
return ctxerr.Wrapf(ctx, err, "getting total executions for %s %d", aggregate, id)
statsMap["total_executions"] = totalExecutions
statsJson, err := json.Marshal(statsMap)
if err != nil {
return ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, err, "marshaling stats")
_, err = tx.ExecContext(ctx,
`INSERT INTO aggregated_stats(id, type, json_value) VALUES(?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE json_value=VALUES(json_value)`,
id, aggregate, statsJson,
if err != nil {
return ctxerr.Wrapf(ctx, err, "inserting stats for %s id %d", aggregate, id)
return nil
func getTotalExecutionsQuery(aggregate string) string {
switch aggregate {
case "scheduled_query":
return scheduledQueryTotalExecutions
case "query":
return queryTotalExecutions
return ""
func walkIdsInTable(
ctx context.Context,
tx sqlx.QueryerContext,
table string,
visitFunc func(id uint) error,
) error {
rows, err := tx.QueryxContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT id FROM %s`, table))
if err != nil {
return ctxerr.Wrapf(ctx, err, "querying %s ids", table)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var id uint
if err := rows.Scan(&id); err != nil {
return ctxerr.Wrapf(ctx, err, "scanning id for %s", table)
if err := visitFunc(id); err != nil {
return ctxerr.Wrapf(ctx, err, "running visitFunc for %s", table)
return nil