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* Module dependencies
var path = require('path');
var _ = require('@sailshq/lodash');
// var generateFile = require('./node_modules/sails-generate/builtins/file');
* @eashaw/sails-generate-landing-page
* Usage:
* `sails generate landing-page`
* @description Generates a landing-page.
* @docs https://sailsjs.com/docs/concepts/extending-sails/generators/custom-generators
module.exports = {
templatesDirectory: path.resolve(__dirname,'./templates'),
* Scope:
* ----------------------------------------------------
* @option {Array} args [command-line arguments]
* ----------------------------------------------------
* @property {String} relPath
* @property {String} stem
* @property {String} newActionSlug
* @property {String} newViewRelPath
* @property {String} newActionRelPath
* @property {String} newStylesheetRelPath
* @property {String} newPageScriptRelPath
before: function (scope, exits) {
if (!scope.args[0]) {
return exits.error(
'Please specify the base name or path for the new landing page.\n'+
'(relative from the `views/pages/imagine/` folder;\n'+
' e.g. `osquery-managmenet`)'
// e.g. `dashboard/activity-summary`
scope.relPath = scope.args[0];
// Check if it has a file extension and, if so, reject it.
if (path.extname(scope.relPath)) {
return exits.error('Please specify the path for the new page, excluding the filename suffix (i.e. no ".ejs")');
// Trim any whitespace from both sides.
scope.relPath = _.trim(scope.relPath);
// Replace backslashes with proper slashes.
// (This is crucial for Windows compatibility.)
scope.relPath = scope.relPath.replace(/\\/g, '/');
// Check that it does not have any trailing slashes.
if (scope.relPath.match(/\/$/)) {
return exits.error('Please specify the path for the new page. (No trailing slash please.)');
// Check that it does not begin with a slash or a dot dot slash.
// (a single dot+slash is ok, since you might be using tab-completion in the terminal)
if (scope.relPath.match(/^\.\.+\//) || scope.relPath.match(/^\//)) {
return exits.error('No need for dots and leading slashes and things. Please specify something like: `dashboard/activity-summary`');
// Make sure the relative path is not within "pages/", "views/", "controllers/",
// "assets/", "js/", "styles/", or anything else like that. If it is, it's probably
// an accident. And if it's not an accident, it's still super confusing.
if (scope.relPath.match(/^(pages\/|views\/|controllers\/|api\/|assets\/|js\/|styles\/|imagine\/)/i)) {
return exits.error('Please specify *just* the name of the new page, excluding prefixes like "pages/", "views/", or "controllers/". Those will be attached for you automatically-- you just need to include the last bit; e.g. `security-compliance` or `vulnerability-management`');
// Gracefully ignore double-slashes.
scope.relPath = scope.relPath.replace(/\/\/+/, '/');
// Gracefully ignore leading "./", if present.
scope.relPath = scope.relPath.replace(/^[\.\/]+/, '');
// Make sure all parent sub-folders are kebab-cased and don't contain any
// uppercase or non-alphanumeric characters (except dashes are ok, of course).
var arrayOfParentSubFolders = ['imagine'];
// Tease out the "stem".
// (e.g. `activity-summary`)
var stem = path.basename(scope.relPath);
// Then kebab-case it, if it isn't already.
// (e.g. `activitySummary` becomes `activity-summary`)
stem = _.kebabCase(stem);
// Make sure it doesn't start with `view`.
// (e.g. NOT `view-activity-summary`)
if (stem.match(/^view-/)) {
return exits.error('No need to prefix with "view-" when generating a page. Instead, just leave that part out. (It\'ll be added automatically where needed.)');
// Check that the stem doesn't still contain any uppercase or non-alphanumeric
// characters. (Except dashes are ok, of course.)
if (stem.match(/[^a-z0-9\-]/) || stem !== _.deburr(stem)) {
return exits.error('Please stick to alphanumeric characters and dashes.');
// ◊ (Now then…)
scope.stem = stem;
scope.newActionSlug = path.join(arrayOfParentSubFolders.join('/'), 'view-'+stem);
scope.newActionRelPath = path.join('api/controllers/', scope.newActionSlug+'.js');
scope.newViewRelPath = path.join('views/pages/imagine/', scope.relPath+'.ejs');
scope.newStylesheetRelPath = path.join('assets/styles/pages/imagine/', scope.relPath+'.less');
scope.newPageScriptRelPath = path.join('assets/js/pages/imagine/', scope.relPath+'.page.js');
// Set up underlying "action" generator.
scope.actions2 = true;
scope.args = [ scope.newActionSlug ];
// Disable the "Created a new …!" output so we can use our own instead.
scope.suppressFinalLog = true;
return exits.success();
after: function (scope, done){
console.log('Successfully generated landing page:');
console.log(' •-',scope.newViewRelPath);
console.log(' •-',scope.newActionRelPath);
console.log(' •-',scope.newStylesheetRelPath);
console.log(' •-',scope.newPageScriptRelPath);
console.log('A few reminders:');
console.log(' (1) These files were generated with lorem ipsum and ');
console.log(' placeholder images. You\'ll need to edit the .ejs');
console.log(' file to add the real content to the page.');
console.log(' (2) You\'ll need to manually add this route for the new page\'s');
console.log(' action in the "Imagine" section of the `website/config/routes.js` file.');
console.log(' Be sure to replace the TODOs with the page\'s real meta description and title.');
console.log('\t\'GET /imagine/'+scope.relPath+'\': {\n\t\taction: \''+(scope.newActionSlug.replace(/\\/g,'/'))+'\',\n\t\tlocals: {\n\t\t\tpageTitleForMeta: \'TODO\',\n\t\t\tpageDescriptionForMeta: \'TODO\',\n\t\t}\n\t},');
console.log(' (3) You\'ll need to manually import the new LESS stylesheet');
console.log(' from your `assets/styles/importer.less` file; Add this line');
console.log(' to the same section as the other pages in the imagine folder:');
console.log(' @import \''+(
path.join('pages/imagine/', scope.relPath+'.less').replace(/\\/g,'/')//« because Windows
console.log(' (4) Last but not least, since some of the above are backend changes,');
console.log(' don\'t forget to re-lift the server before testing!');
return done();
targets: {
'./': ['action'],// << Use underlying default generator
'./:newViewRelPath': { template: 'page.ejs.template' },
'./:newStylesheetRelPath': { template: 'stylesheet.less.template' },
'./:newPageScriptRelPath': { template: 'page-script.page.js.template' }