1. Update the [CHANGELOG](../../CHANGELOG.md) with the changes that have been made since the last Fleet release. Update the NPM [package.json](../../tools/fleetctl-npm/package.json) with the new version number (do not yet `npm publish`). Update the [Helm chart](../../charts/fleet/Chart.yaml) and [values file](../../charts/fleet/values.yaml) with the new version number.
Commit these changes via Pull Request and pull the changes on the `main` branch locally. Check that `HEAD` of the `main` branch points to the commit with these changes.
Note that `origin` may be `upstream` depending on your `git remote` configuration. The intent here is to push the new tag to the `github.com/fleetdm/fleet` repository.
4. Create a new release on the [GitHub releases page](https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/releases). Select the newly pushed tag (GitHub should say "Existing tag"). Use the version number as the release title. Use the below template for the release description (replace items in <> with the appropriate values):
6. Publish the new version of `fleetctl` on NPM. Run `npm publish` in the [fleetctl-npm](../../tools/fleetctl-npm/) directory. Note that NPM does not allow replacing a package without creating a new version number. Take care to get things correct before running `npm publish`!
7. Announce the release in the #fleet channel of [osquery Slack](https://osquery.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-h29zm0gk-s2DBtGUTW4CFel0f0IjTEw#/) and update the channel's topic with the link to this release. Using `@here` requires admin permissions, so typically this announcement will be done by `@zwass`.