2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
module . exports = {
friendlyName : 'Send aggregated metrics to datadog' ,
description : 'Sends the aggregated metrics for usage statistics reported by Fleet instances in the past week' ,
fn : async function ( ) {
sails . log ( 'Running custom shell script... (`sails run send-metrics-to-datadog`)' ) ;
let nowAt = Date . now ( ) ;
let oneWeekAgoAt = nowAt - ( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ) ;
// get a timestamp in seconds to use for the metrics we'll send to datadog.
let timestampForTheseMetrics = Math . floor ( nowAt / 1000 ) ;
// Get all the usage snapshots for the past week.
let usageStatisticsReportedInTheLastWeek = await HistoricalUsageSnapshot . find ( {
createdAt : { '>=' : oneWeekAgoAt } , // Search for records created in the past week.
} )
. sort ( 'createdAt DESC' ) ; // Sort the results by the createdAt timestamp
// Filter out development premium licenses and loadtests.
let filteredStatistics = _ . filter ( usageStatisticsReportedInTheLastWeek , ( report ) => {
2024-02-02 23:23:33 +00:00
return ! _ . contains ( [ 'Fleet Sandbox' , 'fleet-loadtest' , 'development-only' , 'Dev license (expired)' , '' ] , report . organization ) ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
} ) ;
let statisticsReportedByFleetInstance = _ . groupBy ( filteredStatistics , 'anonymousIdentifier' ) ;
let metricsToReport = [ ] ;
let latestStatisticsForEachInstance = [ ] ;
for ( let id in statisticsReportedByFleetInstance ) {
let lastReportIdForThisInstance = _ . max ( _ . pluck ( statisticsReportedByFleetInstance [ id ] , 'id' ) ) ;
let latestReportFromThisInstance = _ . find ( statisticsReportedByFleetInstance [ id ] , { id : lastReportIdForThisInstance } ) ;
latestStatisticsForEachInstance . push ( latestReportFromThisInstance ) ;
// Get a filtered array of metrics reported by Fleet Premium instances
let latestPremiumUsageStatistics = _ . filter ( latestStatisticsForEachInstance , { licenseTier : 'premium' } ) ;
// Group reports by organization name.
let reportsByOrgName = _ . groupBy ( latestPremiumUsageStatistics , 'organization' ) ;
for ( let org in reportsByOrgName ) {
// Sort the results for this array by the createdAt value. This makes sure we're always sending the most recent results.
let reportsForThisOrg = _ . sortByOrder ( reportsByOrgName [ org ] , 'createdAt' , 'desc' ) ;
let lastReportForThisOrg = reportsForThisOrg [ 0 ] ;
// Get the metrics we'll report for each org.
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
// Combine the numHostsEnrolled values from the last report for each unique Fleet instance that reports this organization.
let totalNumberOfHostsReportedByThisOrg = _ . sum ( reportsForThisOrg , ( report ) => {
return report . numHostsEnrolled ;
} ) ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
let lastReportedFleetVersion = lastReportForThisOrg . fleetVersion ;
let hostCountMetricForThisOrg = {
metric : 'usage_statistics.num_hosts_enrolled_by_org' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
value : totalNumberOfHostsReportedByThisOrg
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
} ] ,
resources : [ {
name : reportsByOrgName [ org ] [ 0 ] . anonymousIdentifier ,
type : 'fleet_instance'
} ] ,
tags : [
` organization: ${ org } ` ,
` fleet_version: ${ lastReportedFleetVersion } ` ,
] ,
} ;
metricsToReport . push ( hostCountMetricForThisOrg ) ;
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
// Filter the statistics to be only for released versions of Fleet.
// Note: we're doing this after we've reported the metrics for Fleet Premium instances to make sure
// that we are reporting metrics sent by customers who may be using a non-4.x.x version of Fleet.
let latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions = _ . filter ( latestStatisticsForEachInstance , ( statistics ) => {
return _ . startsWith ( statistics . fleetVersion , '4.' ) ;
} ) ;
let numberOfInstancesToReport = latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions . length ;
2024-02-02 23:23:33 +00:00
// Build aggregated metrics for JSON attrributes
// Create an empty object to store combined host counts.
let combinedHostsEnrolledByOperatingSystem = { } ;
// Get an array of the last reported hostsEnrolledByOperatingSystem values.
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let allHostsEnrolledByOsValues = _ . pluck ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , 'hostsEnrolledByOperatingSystem' ) ;
2024-02-02 23:23:33 +00:00
// Iterate through each reported value, and combine them.
for ( let reportedHostCounts of allHostsEnrolledByOsValues ) {
_ . merge ( combinedHostsEnrolledByOperatingSystem , reportedHostCounts , ( combinedCountsForThisOperatingSystemType , countsForThisOperatingSystemType ) => {
if ( Array . isArray ( combinedCountsForThisOperatingSystemType ) && Array . isArray ( countsForThisOperatingSystemType ) ) {
let mergedArrayOfHostCounts = [ ] ;
// Iterate through the counts in the array we're combining with the aggregator object.
for ( let versionInfo of countsForThisOperatingSystemType ) {
let matchingVersionFromCombinedCounts = _ . find ( combinedCountsForThisOperatingSystemType , ( osType ) => osType . version === versionInfo . version ) ;
if ( matchingVersionFromCombinedCounts ) {
mergedArrayOfHostCounts . push ( { version : versionInfo . version , numEnrolled : versionInfo . numEnrolled + matchingVersionFromCombinedCounts . numEnrolled } ) ;
} else {
mergedArrayOfHostCounts . push ( versionInfo ) ;
// Now add the hostCounts from the combined host counts.
for ( let versionInfo of combinedCountsForThisOperatingSystemType ) {
let versionOnlyExistsInCombinedCounts = ! _ . find ( countsForThisOperatingSystemType , ( osVersion ) => { return osVersion . version === versionInfo . version ; } ) ;
if ( versionOnlyExistsInCombinedCounts ) {
mergedArrayOfHostCounts . push ( versionInfo ) ;
return mergedArrayOfHostCounts ;
} ) ;
for ( let operatingSystem in combinedHostsEnrolledByOperatingSystem ) {
// For every object in the array, we'll send a metric to track host count for each operating system version.
for ( let osVersion of combinedHostsEnrolledByOperatingSystem [ operatingSystem ] ) {
// Only continue if the object in the array has a numEnrolled and version value.
if ( osVersion . numEnrolled && osVersion . version !== '' ) {
let metricToAdd = {
metric : 'usage_statistics_v2.host_count_by_os_version' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ { timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics , value : osVersion . numEnrolled } ] ,
resources : [ { name : operatingSystem , type : 'os_type' } ] ,
tags : [ ` os_version_name: ${ osVersion . version } ` ] ,
} ;
// Add the custom metric to the array of metrics to send to Datadog.
metricsToReport . push ( metricToAdd ) ;
} //fi
} //∞
} //∞
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let allHostsEnrolledByOsqueryVersion = _ . pluck ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , 'hostsEnrolledByOsqueryVersion' ) ;
2024-02-02 23:23:33 +00:00
let combinedHostsEnrolledByOsqueryVersion = [ ] ;
let flattenedHostsEnrolledByOsqueryVersions = _ . flatten ( allHostsEnrolledByOsqueryVersion ) ;
let groupedHostsEnrolledValuesByOsqueryVersion = _ . groupBy ( flattenedHostsEnrolledByOsqueryVersions , 'osqueryVersion' ) ;
for ( let osqueryVersion in groupedHostsEnrolledValuesByOsqueryVersion ) {
combinedHostsEnrolledByOsqueryVersion . push ( {
osqueryVersion : osqueryVersion ,
numHosts : _ . sum ( groupedHostsEnrolledValuesByOsqueryVersion [ osqueryVersion ] , ( version ) => { return version . numHosts ; } )
} ) ;
for ( let version of combinedHostsEnrolledByOsqueryVersion ) {
2024-02-03 00:22:49 +00:00
if ( version . osqueryVersion !== '' ) {
2024-02-02 23:23:33 +00:00
let metricToAdd = {
metric : 'usage_statistics_v2.host_count_by_osquery_version' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ { timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics , value : version . numHosts } ] ,
tags : [ ` osquery_version: ${ version . osqueryVersion } ` ] ,
} ;
// Add the custom metric to the array of metrics to send to Datadog.
metricsToReport . push ( metricToAdd ) ;
} //∞
let combinedHostsEnrolledByOrbitVersion = [ ] ;
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let allHostsEnrolledByOrbitVersion = _ . pluck ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , 'hostsEnrolledByOrbitVersion' ) ;
2024-02-02 23:23:33 +00:00
let flattenedHostsEnrolledByOrbitVersions = _ . flatten ( allHostsEnrolledByOrbitVersion ) ;
let groupedHostsEnrolledValuesByOrbitVersion = _ . groupBy ( flattenedHostsEnrolledByOrbitVersions , 'orbitVersion' ) ;
for ( let orbitVersion in groupedHostsEnrolledValuesByOrbitVersion ) {
combinedHostsEnrolledByOrbitVersion . push ( {
orbitVersion : orbitVersion ,
numHosts : _ . sum ( groupedHostsEnrolledValuesByOrbitVersion [ orbitVersion ] , ( version ) => { return version . numHosts ; } )
} ) ;
for ( let version of combinedHostsEnrolledByOrbitVersion ) {
if ( version . orbitVersion !== '' ) {
let metricToAdd = {
metric : 'usage_statistics_v2.host_count_by_orbit_version' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ { timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics , value : version . numHosts } ] ,
tags : [ ` orbit_version: ${ version . orbitVersion } ` ] ,
} ;
// Add the custom metric to the array of metrics to send to Datadog.
metricsToReport . push ( metricToAdd ) ;
} //∞
// Merge the arrays of JSON storedErrors
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let allStoredErrors = _ . pluck ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , 'storedErrors' ) ;
2024-02-02 23:23:33 +00:00
let flattenedStoredErrors = _ . flatten ( allStoredErrors ) ;
let groupedStoredErrorsByLocation = _ . groupBy ( flattenedStoredErrors , 'loc' ) ;
let combinedStoredErrors = [ ] ;
for ( let location in groupedStoredErrorsByLocation ) {
combinedStoredErrors . push ( {
location : groupedStoredErrorsByLocation [ location ] [ 0 ] . loc ,
count : _ . sum ( groupedStoredErrorsByLocation [ location ] , ( location ) => { return location . count ; } ) ,
numberOfInstancesReportingThisError : groupedStoredErrorsByLocation [ location ] . length
} ) ;
for ( let error of combinedStoredErrors ) {
// Create a new array of tags for this error
let errorTags = [ ] ;
let errorLocation = 1 ;
// Create a tag for each error location
for ( let location of error . location ) { // iterate throught the location array of this error
// Add the error's location as a custom tag (SNAKE_CASED)
errorTags . push ( ` error_location_ ${ errorLocation } : ${ location . replace ( /\s/gi , '_' ) } ` ) ;
errorLocation ++ ;
// Add a metric with the combined error count for each unique error location
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics_v2.stored_errors_counts' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ { timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics , value : error . count } ] ,
tags : errorTags ,
} ) ;
// Add a metric to report how many different instances reported errors with the same location.
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics_v2.stored_errors_statistics' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ { timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics , value : error . numberOfInstancesReportingThisError } ] ,
tags : errorTags ,
} ) ;
} //∞
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
// Build a metric for each Fleet version reported.
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let statisticsByReportedFleetVersion = _ . groupBy ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , 'fleetVersion' ) ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
for ( let version in statisticsByReportedFleetVersion ) {
let numberOfInstancesReportingThisVersion = statisticsByReportedFleetVersion [ version ] . length ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.fleet_version' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesReportingThisVersion
} ] ,
tags : [ ` fleet_version: ${ version } ` ] ,
} ) ;
// Build a metric for each license tier reported.
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let statisticsByReportedFleetLicenseTier = _ . groupBy ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , 'licenseTier' ) ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
for ( let tier in statisticsByReportedFleetLicenseTier ) {
let numberOfInstancesReportingThisLicenseTier = statisticsByReportedFleetLicenseTier [ tier ] . length ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.fleet_license' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesReportingThisLicenseTier
} ] ,
tags : [ ` license_tier: ${ tier } ` ] ,
} ) ;
// Build aggregated metrics for boolean variables:
// Software Inventory
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithSoftwareInventoryEnabled = _ . where ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , { softwareInventoryEnabled : true } ) . length ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithSoftwareInventoryDisabled = numberOfInstancesToReport - numberOfInstancesWithSoftwareInventoryEnabled ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.software_inventory' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithSoftwareInventoryEnabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:true ` ] ,
} ) ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.software_inventory' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithSoftwareInventoryDisabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:false ` ] ,
} ) ;
// vulnDetectionEnabled
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithVulnDetectionEnabled = _ . where ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , { vulnDetectionEnabled : true } ) . length ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithVulnDetectionDisabled = numberOfInstancesToReport - numberOfInstancesWithVulnDetectionEnabled ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.vuln_detection' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithVulnDetectionEnabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:true ` ] ,
} ) ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.vuln_detection' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithVulnDetectionDisabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:false ` ] ,
} ) ;
// SystemUsersEnabled
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithSystemUsersEnabled = _ . where ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , { systemUsersEnabled : true } ) . length ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithSystemUsersDisabled = numberOfInstancesToReport - numberOfInstancesWithSystemUsersEnabled ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.system_users' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithSystemUsersEnabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:true ` ] ,
} ) ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.system_users' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithSystemUsersDisabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:false ` ] ,
} ) ;
// hostsStatusWebHookEnabled
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithHostsStatusWebHookEnabled = _ . where ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , { hostsStatusWebHookEnabled : true } ) . length ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithHostsStatusWebHookDisabled = numberOfInstancesToReport - numberOfInstancesWithHostsStatusWebHookEnabled ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.host_status_webhook' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithHostsStatusWebHookEnabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:true ` ] ,
} ) ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.host_status_webhook' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithHostsStatusWebHookDisabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:false ` ] ,
} ) ;
// mdmMacOsEnabled
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithMdmMacOsEnabled = _ . where ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , { mdmMacOsEnabled : true } ) . length ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithMdmMacOsDisabled = numberOfInstancesToReport - numberOfInstancesWithMdmMacOsEnabled ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.macos_mdm' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithMdmMacOsEnabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:true ` ] ,
} ) ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.macos_mdm' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithMdmMacOsDisabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:false ` ] ,
} ) ;
// mdmWindowsEnabled
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithMdmWindowsEnabled = _ . where ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , { mdmWindowsEnabled : true } ) . length ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithMdmWindowsDisabled = numberOfInstancesToReport - numberOfInstancesWithMdmWindowsEnabled ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.windows_mdm' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithMdmWindowsEnabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:true ` ] ,
} ) ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.windows_mdm' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithMdmWindowsDisabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:false ` ] ,
} ) ;
// liveQueryDisabled
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithLiveQueryDisabled = _ . where ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , { liveQueryDisabled : true } ) . length ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithLiveQueryEnabled = numberOfInstancesToReport - numberOfInstancesWithLiveQueryDisabled ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.live_query' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithLiveQueryDisabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:false ` ] ,
} ) ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.live_query' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithLiveQueryEnabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:true ` ] ,
} ) ;
// hostExpiryEnabled
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithHostExpiryEnabled = _ . where ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , { hostExpiryEnabled : true } ) . length ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
let numberOfInstancesWithHostExpiryDisabled = numberOfInstancesToReport - numberOfInstancesWithHostExpiryEnabled ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.host_expiry' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithHostExpiryEnabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:true ` ] ,
} ) ;
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.host_expiry' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : numberOfInstancesWithHostExpiryDisabled
} ] ,
tags : [ ` enabled:false ` ] ,
} ) ;
// Create two metrics to track total number of hosts reported in the last week.
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let totalNumberOfHostsReportedByPremiumInstancesInTheLastWeek = _ . sum ( _ . pluck ( _ . filter ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , { licenseTier : 'premium' } ) , 'numHostsEnrolled' ) ) ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.total_num_hosts_enrolled' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : totalNumberOfHostsReportedByPremiumInstancesInTheLastWeek
} ] ,
tags : [ ` license_tier:premium ` ] ,
} ) ;
2024-03-01 00:33:47 +00:00
let totalNumberOfHostsReportedByFreeInstancesInTheLastWeek = _ . sum ( _ . pluck ( _ . filter ( latestStatisticsReportedByReleasedFleetVersions , { licenseTier : 'free' } ) , 'numHostsEnrolled' ) ) ;
2024-01-05 19:23:49 +00:00
metricsToReport . push ( {
metric : 'usage_statistics.total_num_hosts_enrolled' ,
type : 3 ,
points : [ {
timestamp : timestampForTheseMetrics ,
value : totalNumberOfHostsReportedByFreeInstancesInTheLastWeek
} ] ,
tags : [ ` license_tier:free ` ] ,
} ) ;
// Break the metrics into smaller arrays to ensure we don't exceed Datadog's 512 kb request body limit.
let chunkedMetrics = _ . chunk ( metricsToReport , 500 ) ; // Note: 500 stringified JSON metrics is ~410 kb.
for ( let chunkOfMetrics of chunkedMetrics ) {
await sails . helpers . http . post . with ( {
url : 'https://api.us5.datadoghq.com/api/v2/series' ,
data : {
series : chunkOfMetrics ,
} ,
headers : {
'DD-API-KEY' : sails . config . custom . datadogApiKey ,
'Content-Type' : 'application/json' ,
} ) . intercept ( ( err ) => {
// If there was an error sending metrics to Datadog, we'll log the error in a warning, but we won't throw an error.
// This way, we'll still return a 200 status to the Fleet instance that sent usage analytics.
return new Error ( ` When the send-metrics-to-datadog script sent a request to send metrics to Datadog, an error occured. Raw error: ${ require ( 'util' ) . inspect ( err ) } ` ) ;
} ) ;
} //∞
sails . log ( ` Aggregated metrics for ${ numberOfInstancesToReport } Fleet instances from the past week sent to Datadog. ` ) ;
} ;