query:SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'deb_packages' AS source FROM deb_packages WHERE name LIKE 'openssl%' UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'apt_sources' AS source FROM apt_sources WHERE name LIKE 'openssl%' UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'rpm_packages' AS source FROM rpm_packages WHERE name LIKE 'openssl%';
description:Presence of authorized SSH keys may be unusual on laptops. Could be completely normal on servers, but may be worth auditing for unusual keys and/or changes.
query:SELECT username, authorized_keys. * FROM users CROSS JOIN authorized_keys USING (uid);
remediation:Check out the linked table (https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/blob/32b4d53e7f1428ce43b0f9fa52838cbe7b413eed/handbook/queries/detect-hosts-with-high-severity-vulnerable-versions-of-openssl.md#table-of-vulnerable-openssl-versions) to determine if the installed version is a high severity vulnerability and view the corresponding CVE(s)
description:Get all software installed on a FreeBSD computer, including browser plugins and installed packages. Note, this does not included other running processes in the processes table.
query:SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Chrome)' AS type, 'chrome_extensions' AS source FROM chrome_extensions UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Firefox)' AS type, 'firefox_addons' AS source FROM firefox_addons UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Atom)' AS type, 'atom_packages' AS source FROM atom_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Python)' AS type, 'python_packages' AS source FROM python_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (pkg)' AS type, 'pkg_packages' AS source FROM pkg_packages;
description:Get all software installed on a Linux computer, including browser plugins and installed packages. Note, this does not included other running processes in the processes table.
query:SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (APT)' AS type, 'apt_sources' AS source FROM apt_sources UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (deb)' AS type, 'deb_packages' AS source FROM deb_packages UNION SELECT package AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Portage)' AS type, 'portage_packages' AS source FROM portage_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (RPM)' AS type, 'rpm_packages' AS source FROM rpm_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, '' AS version, 'Package (YUM)' AS type, 'yum_sources' AS source FROM yum_sources UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (NPM)' AS type, 'npm_packages' AS source FROM npm_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Atom)' AS type, 'atom_packages' AS source FROM atom_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Python)' AS type, 'python_packages' AS source FROM python_packages;
description:Get all software installed on a macOS computer, including apps, browser plugins, and installed packages. Note, this does not included other running processes in the processes table.
query:SELECT name AS name, bundle_short_version AS version, 'Application (macOS)' AS type, 'apps' AS source FROM apps UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Python)' AS type, 'python_packages' AS source FROM python_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Chrome)' AS type, 'chrome_extensions' AS source FROM chrome_extensions UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Firefox)' AS type, 'firefox_addons' AS source FROM firefox_addons UNION SELECT name As name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Safari)' AS type, 'safari_extensions' AS source FROM safari_extensions UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Homebrew)' AS type, 'homebrew_packages' AS source FROM homebrew_packages;
description:Get all software installed on a Windows computer, including programs, browser plugins, and installed packages. Note, this does not included other running processes in the processes table.
query:SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Program (Windows)' AS type, 'programs' AS source FROM programs UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Python)' AS type, 'python_packages' AS source FROM python_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (IE)' AS type, 'ie_extensions' AS source FROM ie_extensions UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Chrome)' AS type, 'chrome_extensions' AS source FROM chrome_extensions UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Browser plugin (Firefox)' AS type, 'firefox_addons' AS source FROM firefox_addons UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Chocolatey)' AS type, 'chocolatey_packages' AS source FROM chocolatey_packages UNION SELECT name AS name, version AS version, 'Package (Atom)' AS type, 'atom_packages' AS source FROM atom_packages;
name:Get current users with active shell/console on the system
platforms:macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD
description:Get current users with active shell/console on the system and associated process
query:SELECT user,host,time, p.name, p.cmdline, p.cwd, p.root FROM logged_in_users liu, processes p WHERE liu.pid = p.pid and liu.type='user' and liu.user <> '' ORDER BY time;
description:Identify SSH keys created without a passphrase which can be used in Lateral Movement (MITRE. TA0008)
query:SELECT uid, username, description, path, encrypted FROM users CROSS JOIN user_ssh_keys using (uid) WHERE encrypted=0 and username in (SELECT distinct(username) FROM last);
description:Detect any processes that run with DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable
query:SELECT env.pid, env.key, env.value, p.name,p.path, p.cmdline, p.cwd FROM process_envs env join processes p USING (pid) WHERE key='DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES';
query:SELECT * FROM etc_hosts WHERE address not in ('', '::1');
name:Get network interfaces
platforms:macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD
description:Network interfaces MAC address
query:SELECT a.interface, a.address, d.mac FROM interface_addresses a JOIN interface_details d USING (interface) WHERE address not in ('', '::1');
name:Get local user accounts
platforms:macOS, Linux, Windows, FreeBSD
description:Local user accounts (including domain accounts that have logged on locally (Windows)).
query:SELECT uid, gid, username, description,directory, shell FROM users;
description:Detects devices that are potentially vulnerable to CVE-2021-1675 because the print spooler service is not disabled.
query:SELECT CASE cnt WHEN 2 THEN "TRUE" ELSE "FALSE" END "Vulnerable" FROM (SELECT name start_type, COUNT(name) AS cnt FROM services WHERE name = 'NTDS' or (name = 'Spooler' and start_type <> 'DISABLED')) WHERE cnt = 2;
description:Lists all processes of which the binary which launched them no longer exists on disk. Attackers often delete files from disk after launching process to mask presence.
query:SELECT name, path, pid FROM processes WHERE on_disk = 0;
description:Looks for specific hash in the Users/ directories for files that are less than 50MB (osquery file size limitation.)
query:SELECT path, sha256 FROM hash WHERE path IN (SELECT path FROM file WHERE size < 50000000 AND path LIKE '/Users/%/Documents/%%') AND sha256 = '16d28cd1d78b823c4f961a6da78d67a8975d66cde68581798778ed1f98a56d75';
description:Looks for the TeamViewer service running on machines. This is used often when attackers gain access to a machine, running TeamViewer to allow them to access a machine.
query:SELECT CASE cnt WHEN 0 THEN "NONE_INSTALLED" ELSE "INSTALLED" END AS "Malicious Python Packages", package_name, package_version FROM (SELECT COUNT(name) AS cnt, name AS package_name, version AS package_version, path AS package_path FROM python_packages WHERE package_name IN ('acqusition', 'apidev-coop', 'bzip', 'crypt', 'django-server', 'pwd', 'setup-tools', 'telnet', 'urlib3', 'urllib'));
description:Returns forensic data showing evidence of likely file execution, in addition to the last modified timestamp of the file, order of execution, full file path order of execution, and the order in which files were executed.
description: Returns a list of active processes and the Jar paths which are using Log4j. Version numbers are usually within the Jar filename. Note:This query is resource intensive and has caused problems on systems with limited swap space. Test on some systems before running this widely.
name:Get applications that were opened within the last 24 hours
description:Returns applications that were opened within the last 24 hours starting with the last opened application.
query:SELECT * FROM apps WHERE last_opened_time > (( SELECT unix_time FROM time ) - 86400 ) ORDER BY last_opened_time DESC;
name:Get applications that are not in the Applications directory
description:Returns applications that are not in the `/Applications` directory
query:SELECT * FROM apps WHERE path NOT LIKE '/Applications/%';
name:Get subscription-based applications that have not been opened for the last 30 days
description:Returns applications that are subscription-based and have not been opened for the last 30 days. You can replace the list of applications with those specific to your use case.
query:SELECT * FROM apps WHERE path LIKE '/Applications/%' AND name IN ("Photoshop.app", "Adobe XD.app", "Sketch.app", "Illustrator.app") AND last_opened_time < (( SELECT unix_time FROM time ) - 2592000000000 );
query:SELECT 1 FROM gatekeeper WHERE assessments_enabled = 1;
description:Checks to make sure that the Gatekeeper feature is enabled on macOS devices. Gatekeeper tries to ensure only trusted software is run on a mac machine.
resolution:"To enable Gatekeeper, on the failing device, run the following command in the Terminal app: /usr/sbin/spctl --master-enable."
name:Is disk encryption enabled on Windows devices?
query:SELECT 1 FROM bitlocker_info where protection_status = 1;
description:Checks to make sure that device encryption is enabled on Windows devices.
resolution:"To get additional information, run the following osquery query on the failing device: SELECT * FROM bitlocker_info. In the
query results, if protection_status is 2, then the status cannot be determined. If it is 0, it is
considered unprotected. Use the additional results (percent_encrypted, conversion_status, etc.) to
help narrow down the specific reason why Windows considers the volume unprotected."
name:Is FileVault enabled on macOS devices?
query:SELECT 1 FROM disk_encryption WHERE user_uuid IS NOT "" AND filevault_status = 'on' LIMIT 1;