* Add GCP PubSub logging plugin. Thanks to Michael Samuel for adding this capability.
* Improved escaping for target search in live query interface. It is now easier to target hosts with + and - characters in the name.
* Server and browser performance improvements by reduced loading of hosts in frontend. Host status will only update on page load when over 100 hosts are present.
* Utilize details sent by osquery in enrollment request to more quickly display details of new hosts. Also fixes a bug in which hosts could not complete enrollment if certain platform-dependent options were used.
* Fix a bug in which the default query runs after targets are edited.
* Add capability to log osquery status and results to AWS Firehose. Note that this deprecated some existing logging configuration (`--osquery_status_log_file` and `--osquery_result_log_file`). Existing configurations will continue to work, but will be removed at some point.
* Automatically clean up "incoming hosts" that do not complete enrollment.
* Fix bug with SSO requests that caused issues with some IdPs.
* Hide built-in platform labels that have no hosts.
* Fix references to Fleet documentation in emails.
* Minor improvements to UI in places where editing objects is disabled.
* Fix a bug where duplicate queries were being created in the same pack but only one was ever delivered to osquery. A migration was added to delete duplicate queries in packs created by the UI.
* It is possible to schedule the same query with different options in one pack, but only via the CLI.
* If you thought you were relying on this functionality via the UI, note that duplicate queries will be deleted when you run migrations as apart of a cleanup fix. Please check your configurations and make sure to create any double-scheduled queries via the CLI moving forward.
* Fix a bug in which packs created in UI could not be loaded by fleetctl.
* Fix a bug where deleting a query would not delete it from the packs that the query was scheduled in.
## Kolide Fleet 2.0.0 (currently preparing for release)
The primary new addition in Fleet 2 is the new `fleetctl` CLI and file-format, which dramatically increases the flexibility and control that administrators have over their osquery deployment. The CLI and the file format are documented [in the Fleet documentation](https://github.com/kolide/fleet/blob/master/docs/cli/README.md).
### New Features
* New `fleetctl` CLI for managing your entire osquery workflow via CLI, API, and source controlled files!
* You can use `fleetctl` to manage osquery packs, queries, labels, and configuration.
* In addition to the CLI, Fleet 2.0.0 introduces a new file format for articulating labels, queries, packs, options, etc. This format is designed for composability, enabling more effective sharing and re-use of intelligence.
apiVersion: v1
kind: query
name: pending_updates
query: >
select value
from plist
path = "/Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls.plist" and
key = "PendingUpdateCount" and
value > "0";
* Run live osquery queries against arbitrary subsets of your infrastructure via the `fleetctl query` command.
* Use `fleetctl setup`, `fleetctl login`, and `fleetctl logout` to manage the authentication life-cycle via the CLI.
* Use `fleetctl get`, `fleetctl apply`, and `fleetctl delete` to manage the state of your Fleet data.
* Manage any osquery option you want and set platform-specific overrides with the `fleetctl` CLI and file format.
### Upgrade Plan
* Managing osquery options via the UI has been removed in favor of the more flexible solution provided by the CLI. If you have customized your osquery options with Fleet, there is [a database migration](server/datastore/mysql/migrations/data/20171212182458_MigrateOsqueryOptions.go) which will port your existing data into the new format when you run `fleet prepare db`. To download your osquery options after migrating your database, run `fleetctl get options > options.yaml`. Further modifications to your options should occur in this file and it should be applied with `fleetctl apply -f ./options.yaml`.
* Added feature that allows users to import existing Osquery configuration files using the [configimporter](https://github.com/kolide/configimporter) utility.
The Kolide server now tracks the `distributed_interval` and `config_tls_refresh` values for each individual host (these can be different if they are set via flagfile and not through Kolide), to ensure that online status is represented as accurately as possible.
* Log rotation is no longer the default setting for Osquery status and results logs. To enable log rotation use the `--osquery_enable_log_rotation` flag.
* Add a debug endpoint for collecting performance statistics and profiles.
When `kolide serve --debug` is used, additional handlers will be started to provide access to profiling tools. These endpoints are authenticated with a randomly generated token that is printed to the Kolide logs at startup. These profiling tools are not intended for general use, but they may be useful when providing performance-related bug reports to the Kolide developers.
osquery 2.3.2 incorrectly reports an empty value for `platform` on CentOS6 hosts. We added a workaround to properly detect platform in Kolide, and also [submitted a fix](https://github.com/facebook/osquery/pull/3071) to upstream osquery.
Previously this item was visible to non-admin users and if selected, a blank options page would be displayed since server side authorization constraints prevent regular users from viewing or changing options.
In an effort to provide a more resilient web server, timeouts are more strictly enforced by the Kolide HTTP server (regardless of whether or not you're using the built-in TLS termination). If your Kolide environment is particularly latent and you observe requests timing out, contact us at [help@kolide.co](mailto:help@kolide.co).
* Harden TLS server settings.
For customers using Kolide's built-in TLS server (if the `server.tls` configuration is `true`), the server was hardened to only accept modern cipher suites as recommended by [Mozilla](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS#Modern_compatibility).
* Improve the mechanism used to calculate whether or not hosts are online.
Previously, hosts were categorized as "online" if they had been seen within the past 30 minutes. To make the "online" status more representative of reality, hosts are marked "online" if the Kolide server has heard from them within two times the lowest polling interval as described by the Kolide-managed osquery configuration. For example, if you've configured osqueryd to check-in with Kolide every 10 seconds, only hosts that Kolide has heard from within the last 20 seconds will be marked "online".
Customers running Kolide behind a web balancer lacking support for websockets were unable to use the distributed query feature. Also, in certain circumstances, Safari users with a self-signed cert for Kolide would receive an error. This release add a fallback mechanism from websockets using SockJS for improved compatibility.
Previously Kolide was determining platform based on the OS of the system osquery was built on instead of the OS it was running on. Please note: Offline hosts may continue to report an erroneous platform until they check-in with Kolide.
* Support MySQL client certificate authentication. More details can be found in the [Configuring the Kolide binary docs](https://docs.kolide.co/kolide/1.0.1/infrastructure/configuring-the-kolide-binary.html)