- **Sound positive**, and assume positive intent. A positive tone helps to empower our users and encourages them to succeed with Fleet.
- **Be relatable**, friendly and sincere. Being relatable reminds our users that they're talking to another human that cares. Use simple words and sentences, especially in technical conversations.
- **Project confidence**, and be informative. Clearly tell users what they need to know, remembering to always stay positive so as NOT to sound overconfident.
- **Manage risk, not fear**. Educate users about security threats positively. Risk management is smart, but focusing on fear can lead to poor decisions. We NEVER use fear as a communication and marketing tactic.
- **Consider the meaning of words**. We never want to offend people or sound judgemental. Industry jargon that was once commonly used may now be considered offensive and should be avoided.
At Fleet, our voice and tone should be clear, simple, friendly, and inspiring - like [Mr. Rogers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Rogers) who had a deep understanding of these communication values.
Consider the example tweets below. What would Mr. Rogers say?
> *Distributed workforces aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. **It’s past time** to **start engaging meaningfully** with your **workforce** and **getting them** to work with your security team instead of around them.*
> *Distributed workforces aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, **so it’s a great time** to **engage** with your **crew** and **help them** to work with your security team instead of around them.*
By Mr Rogering our writing we can emphasize positivity, optimism and encourage our readers to succeed. The example above also considers sentence flow and use of synonyms to reduce repetition.
Another example to consider is industry jargon that may now be inappropriate. While the term *"responsible vulnerability disclosure"* has been used for decades, it supposes that people who use a different process are *irresponsible*. Using *coordinated disclosure* is a more positive way to discuss the issue.
> **A**sk questions about your servers, containers, and laptops running **L**inux, **W**indows, and macOS
As we are using sentence case, only the first word of a heading and subheading is capitalized. However, if a word in the sentence would normally be capitalized (e.g. a [proper noun](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/proper-nouns/?&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=11862361094&utm_targetid=dsa-1233402314764&gclid=Cj0KCQjwg7KJBhDyARIsAHrAXaFwpnEyL9qrS4z1PEAgFwh3RXmQ24zmwmowAyOQbHngsI8W_F730aAaArrwEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds),) these words should also be capitalized in the heading.
> Note the capitalization of _“macOS”_ in the example above. Although this is a proper noun, macOS uses its own style guide from Apple, that we adhere to.
### How use osquery in sentences and headings
Osquery should always be written in lowercase, unless used to start a sentence or heading. For example:
To download official Fleet logos, product screenshots, and wallpapers, head over to our [brand resources](https://fleetdm.com/logos) page.
See also [https://fleetdm.com/handbook/community#press-releases](https://fleetdm.com/handbook/community#press-releases) for our press-release boilerplate.
## Fleet website
### How to export images
In Figma:
1. Select the layers you want to export.
2. Confirm export settings and naming convention:
* item name - color variant - (css)size - @2x.fileformat (e.g., `os-macos-black-16x16@2x.png`)
* note that the dimensions in the filename are in CSS pixels. In this example, the image would actually have dimensions of 32x32px, if you opened it in preview. But in the filename, and in HTML/CSS, we'll size it as if it were 16x16. This is so that we support retina displays by default.
* File extension might be .jpg or .png.
* Avoid using SVGs or icon fonts.
3. Click the __Export__ button.
### When can I merge a change to the website?
When merging a PR to master, bear in mind that whatever you merge to master gets deployed live immediately. So if the PR's changes contain anything that you don't think is appropriate to be seen publicly by all guests of [fleetdm.com](https://fleetdm.com/), then please do not merge.
Merge a PR (aka deploy the website) when you think it is appropriately clean to represent our brand. When in doubt, use the standards and level of quality seen on existing pages, ensure correct functionality, and check responsive behavior - starting widescreen and resizing down to ≈320px width.
### The "Deploy Fleet Website" GitHub action failed
If the action fails, please complete the following steps:
1. Head to the fleetdm-website app in the [Heroku dashboard](https://heroku.com) and select the "Activity" tab.
2. Select "Roll back to here" on the second to most recent deploy.
3. Head to the fleetdm/fleet GitHub repository and re-run the Deploy Fleet Website action.
A browser compatibility check of [fleetdm.com](https://fleetdm.com/) should be carried out monthly to verify that the website looks, and functions as expected across all [supported browsers](../docs/Using-Fleet/Supported-browsers.md).
- We use [BrowserStack](https://www.browserstack.com/users/sign_in) (logins can be found in [1Password](https://start.1password.com/open/i?a=N3F7LHAKQ5G3JPFPX234EC4ZDQ&v=3ycqkai6naxhqsylmsos6vairu&i=nwnxrrbpcwkuzaazh3rywzoh6e&h=fleetdevicemanagement.1password.com)) for our cross-browser checks.
- Check for issues against the latest version of Google Chrome (macOS). We use this as our baseline for quality assurance.
- Document any issues in GitHub as a [bug report](https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/issues/new?assignees=&labels=bug%2C%3Areproduce&template=bug-report.md&title=), and assign for fixing.
- If in doubt about anything regarding design or layout, please reach out to the Design team.