- [Has anyone stress tested Fleet? How many clients can the Fleet server handle?](#has-anyone-stress-tested-fleet-how-many-clients-can-the-fleet-server-handle)
- [How do I automatically add hosts to packs when the hosts enroll to Fleet?](#how-do-i-automatically-add-hosts-to-packs-when-the-hosts-enroll-to-Fleet)
## What do I need to do to switch from Kolide Fleet to FleetDM Fleet?
The upgrade from kolide/fleet to fleetdm/fleet works the same as any minor version upgrade has in the past.
Minor version upgrades in Kolide Fleet often included database migrations and the recommendation to back up the database before migrating. The same goes for FleetDM Fleet versions.
To migrate from Kolide Fleet to FleetDM Fleet, please follow the steps outlined in the [Updating Fleet section](./08-Updating-Fleet.md) of the documentation.
Fleet has been stress tested to 150,000 online hosts and 400,000 total enrolled hosts. Production deployments exist with over 100,000 hosts and numerous production deployments manage tens of thousands of hosts.
It’s standard deployment practice to have multiple Fleet servers behind a load balancer. However, typically the MySQL database is the performance bottleneck and a single Fleet server can handle tens of thousands of hosts.
No, currently, there’s no way to retrieve the name of the enroll secret with a query. This means that there's no way to create a label using your hosts' enroll secrets and then use this label as a target for queries or query packs.
Typically folks will use some other unique identifier to create labels that distinguish each type of device. As a workaround, [Fleet's manual labels](./02-fleetctl-CLI.md#host-labels) provide a way to create groups of hosts without a query. These manual labels can then be used as targets for queries or query packs.
There is, however, a way to accomplish this even though the answer to the question remains "no": Teams. As of Fleet v4.0.0, you can group hosts in Teams either by enrolling them with a team specific secret, or by transferring hosts to a team. One the hosts you want to target are part of a team, you can create a query and target the team in question.
The update frequency for labels is configurable with the [—osquery_label_update_interval](../02-Deploying/02-Configuration.md#osquery_label_update_interval) flag (default 1 hour).
## How do I revoke the authorization tokens for a user?
Authorization tokens are revoked when the “require password reset” action is selected for that user. User-initiated password resets do not expire the existing tokens.
## How do I monitor the performance of my queries?
Fleet can live query the `osquery_schedule` table. Performing this live query allows you to get the performance data for your scheduled queries. Also consider scheduling a query to the `osquery_schedule` table to get these logs into your logging pipeline.
The “Add User” button is disabled if SMTP (email) has not been configured for the Fleet server. Currently, there is no way to add new users without email capabilities.
One way to hack around this is to use a simulated mailserver like [Mailhog](https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog). You can retrieve the email that was “sent” in the Mailhog UI, and provide users with the invite URL manually.
If a user has SSO enabled, the Login page in the Fleet UI displays the “Email” and “Password” fields but on attempted password-based login, this user will receive an “Authentication failed” message.
Live query results (executed in the web UI or `fleetctl query`) are pushed directly to the UI where the query is running. The results never go to a file unless you as the user manually save them.
Scheduled query results (queries that are scheduled to run in Packs) are typically sent to the Fleet server, and will be available on the filesystem of the server at the path configurable by [`--osquery_result_log_file`](../02-Deploying/02-Configuration.md#osquery_result_log_file). This defaults to `/tmp/osquery_result`.
It is possible to configure osqueryd to log query results outside of Fleet. For results to go to Fleet, the `--logger_plugin` flag must be set to `tls`.
### What are my options for storing the osquery logs?
The [logger configuration options](../02-Deploying/02-Configuration.md#osquery_status_log_plugin) allow you to select the log output plugin. Using the log outputs you can route the logs to your chosen aggregation system.
- Look at the status logs provided by osquery. In a standard configuration these are available on the filesystem of the Fleet server at the path configurable by [`--filesystem_status_log_file`](../02-Deploying/02-Configuration.md#filesystem_status_log_file). This defaults to `/tmp/osquery_status`. The host will output a status log each time it executes the query.
However, the Fleet API exposes a significant amount of host information via the [`api/v1/fleet/hosts`](./03-REST-API.md#list-hosts) and the [`api/v1/fleet/hosts/{id}`](./03-REST-API.md#get-host) API endpoints. The `api/v1/fleet/hosts` [can even be configured to return additional host information](https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/blob/9fb9da31f5462fa7dda4819a114bbdbc0252c347/docs/1-Using-Fleet/2-fleetctl-CLI.md#fleet-configuration-options).
Each host’s OS version is available using the `api/v1/fleet/hosts` API endpoint. [Check out the API documentation for this endpoint](./03-REST-API.md#list-hosts).
The ability to view each host’s installed software was released behind a feature flag in Fleet 3.11.0 and called Software inventory. [Check out the feature flag documentation for instructions on turning on Software inventory in Fleet](../02-Deploying/02-Configuration.md#feature-flags).
Once the Software inventory feature is turned on, a list of a specific host’s installed software is available using the `api/v1/fleet/hosts/{id}` endpoint. [Check out the documentation for this endpoint](./03-REST-API.md#get-host).
It’s possible in Fleet to retrieve each host’s kernel version, using the Fleet API, through `additional_queries`. The Fleet configuration options yaml file includes an `additional_queries` property that allows you to append custom query results to the host details returned by the `api/v1/fleet/hosts` endpoint. [Check out an example configuration file with the additional_queries field](./02-fleetctl-CLI.md#fleet-configuration-options).
You can accomplish this by adding specific labels as targets of your pack. First, identify an already existing label or create a new label that will include the hosts you intend to enroll to Fleet. Next, add this label as a target of the pack in the Fleet UI.
When your hosts enroll to Fleet, they will become a member of the label and, because the label is a target of your pack, these hosts will automatically become targets of the pack.
You can also do this by setting the `targets` field in the [YAML configuration file](./02-fleetctl-CLI.md#query-packs) that manages the packs that are added to your Fleet instance.