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import React from 'react';
import expect, { spyOn, restoreSpies } from 'expect';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';
import { noop } from 'lodash';
import ConnectedPage, { UserSettingsPage } from 'pages/UserSettingsPage/UserSettingsPage';
import testHelpers from 'test/helpers';
import { userStub } from 'test/stubs';
import * as authActions from 'redux/nodes/auth/actions';
const {
} = testHelpers;
describe('UserSettingsPage - component', () => {
const store = { auth: { user: userStub }, entities: { users: {} } };
const mockStore = reduxMockStore(store);
it('renders a UserSettingsForm component', () => {
const Page = mount(connectedComponent(ConnectedPage, { mockStore }));
it('renders a UserSettingsForm component', () => {
const admin = { ...userStub, admin: true };
const pageWithUser = mount(<UserSettingsPage dispatch={noop} user={userStub} />);
const pageWithAdmin = mount(<UserSettingsPage dispatch={noop} user={admin} />);
expect(pageWithUser.text()).toInclude('Role - USER');
expect(pageWithUser.text()).toNotInclude('Role - ADMIN');
expect(pageWithAdmin.text()).toNotInclude('Role - USER');
expect(pageWithAdmin.text()).toInclude('Role - ADMIN');
it('updates a user with only the updated attributes', () => {
spyOn(authActions, 'updateUser');
const dispatch = () => Promise.resolve();
const props = { dispatch, user: userStub };
const pageNode = mount(<UserSettingsPage {...props} />).node;
const updatedAttrs = { name: 'Updated Name' };
const updatedUser = { ...userStub, ...updatedAttrs };
expect(authActions.updateUser).toHaveBeenCalledWith(userStub, updatedAttrs);
describe('changing email address', () => {
it('renders the ChangeEmailForm when the user changes their email', () => {
const Page = mount(connectedComponent(ConnectedPage, { mockStore }));
const UserSettingsForm = Page.find('UserSettingsForm');
const emailInput = UserSettingsForm.find({ name: 'email' });
expect(Page.find('ChangeEmailForm').length).toEqual(0, 'Expected the ChangeEmailForm to not render');
fillInFormInput(emailInput, 'new@email.org');
expect(Page.find('ChangeEmailForm').length).toEqual(1, 'Expected the ChangeEmailForm to render');
it('does not render the ChangeEmailForm when the user does not change their email', () => {
const Page = mount(connectedComponent(ConnectedPage, { mockStore }));
const UserSettingsForm = Page.find('UserSettingsForm');
const emailInput = UserSettingsForm.find({ name: 'email' });
expect(Page.find('ChangeEmailForm').length).toEqual(0, 'Expected the ChangeEmailForm to not render');
fillInFormInput(emailInput, userStub.email);
expect(Page.find('ChangeEmailForm').length).toEqual(0, 'Expected the ChangeEmailForm to not render');
it('displays pending email text when the user is pending an email change', () => {
const props = { dispatch: noop, user: userStub };
const Page = mount(<UserSettingsPage {...props} />);
const UserSettingsForm = () => Page.find('UserSettingsForm');
const emailHint = () => UserSettingsForm().find('.manage-user__email-hint');
expect(emailHint().length).toEqual(0, 'Expected the form to not render an email hint');
Page.setState({ pendingEmail: 'new@email.org' });
expect(emailHint().length).toEqual(1, 'Expected the form to render an email hint');