Enrolling your device with more than one Fleet server is not currently possible. Multiple install roots are useful for the development of Fleet itself but complex to maintain. While this has some value for Fleet contributors, there is currently no active effort to add and maintain support for multiple enrollments from the same device.
See the Go language documentation for [workspaces](https://golang.org/doc/code.html#Workspaces) and [GOPATH](https://golang.org/doc/code.html#GOPATH) for more in-depth documentation.
If you get an `undefined: Asset` error, it is likely because you did not run `make generate` before `make build`. See [Building Fleet](./Building-Fleet.md) for additional documentation on compiling the `fleet` binary.
To start osquery, first retrieve the "Enroll secret" from Fleet (by clicking the "Add New Host") button in the Fleet dashboard, or with `fleetctl get enroll-secret`).